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undefined                                       Michael's Simulchat
                                            August 17th, 1995

On the evening of August 17th, Michael Jackson joined together with the Internet, Compuserve, America
Online, Prodigy and his fans from around the world in a simulchat. MTV televised the simulchat as well.
The following is a transcript of that historical event. Over 16,000 people attened the chat on America
Online alone, not to mention the others on Prodigy, Compuserve, and the Internet.

The event took place in the boardroom of The Museum Of Television & Radio in midtown Manhattan.
Michael was seated at the long boardroom table surrounded by representatives from all of the online
services - who were seated in front of their laptops dialed-in to their respective services. Questions
were selected on a 'round-robin' basis from each of the services, Michael woud answer the questions,
and a (high-speed!) typist would enter his answers onto the service.

Michael thoroughly enjoyed the event - as did all of the participants in the room!

Here is a transcript of the event - which was compiled by Sony from all of the services' transcripts to
provide as accurate a document as possible (Michael sometimes talks quite fast - which made typing a
challenge!). Enjoy!

Compuserve Question from ORLANDO, FL: [76711,475] Janice Maki Brandon:
     I have been a long time fan and I just want to know how, after all the bad press, you can keep
     going and doing the best job that any rock star can do? Is it the fact you have such a wonderful
     wife supporting you, or are there other reasons you stay so damn great?
Michael Jackson:
     Despite of what the press says about celebrities and myself in general, I move ahead. I don't pay
     attention to that tabloid junk - it's garbage. I have my dreams I am a visionary and I am very
     resilient. I feel as if I have a suit of armor around me, like a rhinoceros skin. I am here to do what
     I am supposed to do. Thank you for asking the first question.

Compuserve Question from MANCHESTER, NH: [102331,3335] Brett Mallard:
     If you could be any super hero... like Batman, Superman, et al.. whom would you choose to be and
Michael Jackson:
     I like Batman a lot... If I could choose one, it would be Morph, from the X-Men. He can become
     anything ... He constantly transforms himself. I think he can even teleport, which is interesting and
     exciting to me. He's not as popular as the others, but that makes him exciting.

Prodigy Question from Darkan:
     Are you ever going to tour America?
Michael Jackson:
     I'm not exactly sure, we kind of play it by ear, kind of spontaneous. It would be nice, but I'm not

Internet Question from Brian:
     Is your new album doing as well as expected? Go MJ!!
Michael Jackson:
     Yes, I am overly excited about how well the album is doing. It is the fastest selling album in my
     career. Despite what the press is saying. Unprecedented 7 million worldwide sold in the first week!

Prodigy Question from Spin Cycle:
     Michael, thanks for coming. What is your favorite song on your newest CD?
Michael Jackson:
     Probably Earth Song, Stranger in Moscow, Little Susie. I love songs with heart.

AOL Question from Jocelyn:
     When will the 3T album be in the store?
Michael Jackson:
     The 3-T are expected around this Christmas. They're going to be very successful.

Prodigy Question from Bruce Ross:
     How has your marriage to Lisa Marie changed your life?
Michael Jackson:
     I think I find it more fun to appreciate what family really means. the fact that even though there
     were 10 of us Jacksons and we were always doing things at different times and I am really learning
     the real meaning of love. Giving 100% of yourself all the time. Putting up with one another. So far
     it has been pretty joyous.

Compuserve Question from KANSAS CITY, MO: [102563,674] Jim Shea:
     Do you ever wish you could walk into a public place and not be mobbed by your fans?
Michael Jackson:
     I have every disguise you can think of... that is why I wish I could be Morph so I could change
     places and just enjoy life. I would love to do that.

Prodigy Question from Ally W:
     Hi Michael. You have an amazing voice. Whose music has helped influence your music most?
Michael Jackson:
     Thank you for the compliment. That is very nice. To be honest, my first love and appreciation for
     music was classical, in kindergarten. I used to listen to Tchaikovsky every day. The great writing
     of Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein, and many others. I love the showtunes.

AOL Question from Marlie14:
     In your interview with Diane Sawyer, you mentioned moving out of the country. Is this in your
     future plans?
Michael Jackson:
     Yes it is.

Prodigy Question from Rros:
     Where is the most favorite place in the world that you have traveled to and where would you most
     like to travel to?
Michael Jackson:
     My most favorite place that I've traveled to probably would have to be between South America
     and Africa. Because I love the people, and I love the culture. The plight of the children is very
     interesting and I would love to continue to see more things and to help more people.

Compuserve Question from ENCINITAS, CA: [102002,547] Gary M. Richards:
Michael Jackson:
     If I had to pick one song... that's very difficult. Probably Ben, Got to Be There, Heal The World,
     one of the oldies. Bubbles is still alive and still my pet chimp. He's bigger, likes to eat a lot...lots of
     pizza, ice cream...He loves snacks! [Michael laughs]

Internet Question from MJJ:
     You have accomplished so much in life. What else would you like to accomplish in life?
Michael Jackson:
     I love movies my dream is to make films, not only act and sing but to produce them as well. And I
     love animation.

Prodigy Question from SiBiS:
     In Oprah's interview, you said that you wanted to raise a family one day..Do you plan to do so??
Michael Jackson:
     Yes, that's my dream for a long time. My own children, I want to adopt them. Not only my own, but
     children all over the world. I think we should be less territorial about it.

Compuserve Question from LOMBARD, IL: [75152,1114] Kurt A. Lentsch
     How did you like working with your sister Janet on the "Scream" Video and also working with your
     beautiful bride, Lisa Marie. PS Best of luck to you two, don't listen to all the BS going around!
Michael Jackson:
     That is a great question! The press creates all of these negative stories so that people will buy
     their magazines or read their columns and you must not believe everything you read or see on
     television. Most of it is false and it is tabloid garbage and I want everyone to be aware of what
     the tabloid media is like. I have had so much fun working with my sister and working on the set
     everyday. I haven't seen her in quite some time and she is busy and I am as well and it is like a
     reunion. Because of all the family members I am closest to Janet and we became very emotional on
     the set. We gave each other presents but every day on the set sometimes she would come to me sad
     because of some crazy story that some tabloid said. I told her that she would have to become
     resilient because it is there and I want the public to know. And Yes I had fun with Lisa Marie on
     the set. She wanted to perform in the video. I had a lot of fun with Lisa Marie on the set. But when
     the director said "Action," she became very shy. I was giving her a little bit of a hard time, too!

Prodigy Question from Gemseeker:
     When did you learn to Moonwalk? I think it's so cool.
Michael Jackson:
     Thank you sooo much. I've always loved illusion dancing, where you can create an illusion with the
     body. There's a new step working on called Skywalk. I've been working on it.

Prodigy Question from blondie101:
     What inspired you to write the song "Beat It"?
Michael Jackson:
     Quincy Jones, for the album THRILLER, asked me to write a song with a rock edge to it. I said
     yes, I can do that. So the very same day, I went to the recording studio, and I literally just
     started to sing that song. It literally came that fast. Every song is different. The gestation process
     for BEAT IT was so fast, it was amazing. I thought about what I'd do in that situation... A
     confrontation with a gang... I wouldn't do what these people would do. The way I was raised I
     would turn the other cheek without creating a war or being a coward either.

Compuserve Question from VANCOUVER, WA: [76730,1036] Brandon:
     I come from a large family is it hard for you to see the animosity between your sister LaToya and
     yourself. you seem to be above all the petty gossip that others love to spread. I just want to give
     you two thumbs up on your maturity.
Michael Jackson:
     Gee - thank you very much! I love you. Thank you.

Prodigy Question from Curveball:
     Will there be a next album?
Michael Jackson:
     I am not sure. This might be my last album I ever do. I will always create music but am not sure if
     I'll create another album.

Prodigy Question from Midway Gal:
     How did you get into music?
Michael Jackson:
     I don't think I can answer that without sounding philosophical. We never had music or dance
     lessons in our house, ever. We were a family that sang all the time. We watched television. We
     would entertain ourselves... We would take all the furniture out of the living room and dance. I
     think you're pretty much born with a gift and you are compelled to create. That is what I have
     always felt. I remember making up songs when I was really little. I remember when I was little
     there was rain outside and we would make up songs. Janet and I would have a songwriting game
     while we washed the dishes...while we were cleaning. I think most kids don't do that these days. It
     was our destiny.

AOL Question from EvenBeevu:
     Do you come up with the ideas for all of your videos?
Michael Jackson:
     A lot of them I do come up with. A lot of the concepts do originate with me. After singing Thriller
     I knew that I wanted to do a short film. Asimple guy goes out on a date and confesses to her that
     he's different. I wanted totransform into different things. It was fun. I had so much fun making
     that. Beat It is another concept that I came up with. Confrontation -two gangs - West Side Story.
     I wanted real gang members. I wanted to see real the walk, in the character in the
     clothes. and I thinkit came across.

Prodigy Question from Pelon:
     What has been your proudest musical achievement?
Michael Jackson:
     One of them it is really a difficult question to answer because I am not a women but writing a song
     is like conceiving a child... I love all the songs . We are the World is one of the most favorite things
     that I've done. I am proud of that... it has reached a lot of people, it has touched a lot of people.
     My Secretary called when I was in the car and said pull over. And it was like a prayer when all of
     the radio stations played it. I had tears.

Compuserve Question from MELBOURNE, FL: [74671,465] Firefly
     Michael, I was wondering if/when we will see more of the old-style video's and mini-movies like
     "Thriller" and "Moonwalker?"
Michael Jackson:
     I love that. That's what I want to get back to doing. Well those types of short films are my
     favorite because it is not just a video in the sense of videos and images and's a short
     story. But to do those takes us up to 4, 5, 6, 7 months sometimes and that has become a problem.
     We are going back to that. That is my dream.

     I'd like to make this announcement: My nephews are in here and want to sit in and listen!

     [nephews are entering the room]

Compuserve Question from SEATTLE, WA: [76550,2570] Natalie Ringland:
     You seem to be interested in many cultures. Have you ever studied the North? I live in an Inupiat
     Eskimo village at the top of Alaska. Life is different here. If you ever visit, the land and people
     here might inspire you. Do you travel for inspiration? -- Natalie
Michael Jackson:
     Yes I do travel for inspiration and I would love to come to Alaska someday. I have flown over
     Alaska and I do love to travel. Maybe with your extended invitation I might be able to come!

Prodigy Question from Frogbelly:
     In your song "Childhood" you sing about how you've never really known the joys of youth. What is
     the one thing you missed the most?
Michael Jackson:
     Probably the simple little things that kids do like having a friend over or going to the park or even
     trick-or-treat or Christmas or birthday and when we were little we didn't have any of those things.
     We had to hear about them. Some of the kids who take them for granted. I haven't celebrated my
     birthday yet. Maybe someday I will.

Prodigy Question from Diva:
     Michael, I love HIStory and think it's the best yet. When are you going to release the videos as a
     complete set?
Michael Jackson:
     Thank you for the compliment. I worked very hard. This Christmas I think we are going to have a
     complete up to date of the shorts on one volume.

AOL Question from Applehead:
     It's one of Apple head's friends, guess which one...hint Family Matters...what is your favorite song
     on HIStory? Tell Lisa Marie and Janet I said hi!
Michael Jackson:
     I know exactly who that is! [laughter in the room] My favorite song is probably "Childhood" "Earth
     Song". But nice to hear from you Brighton, hope I get to see you soon. Tell all my other relatives I
     said hello.

Prodigy Question from Mr Potter:
     Do you ever wish you could play small rooms with intimate audiences instead of mega-productions?
Michael Jackson:
     Yes. I think that is the mark of a true performer, to be able to reach any audience around the
     world, any size. If you can directly relate to a small group, magic starts to happen. I started out
     playing those kinds of concerts. This Christmas, I'm doing an HBO special (Dec 10), and it is
     intimate. It's close-up. It will allow me to do a lot of things I've never done before.

Compuserve Question from EXTERNAL NETWORK: [100526,154] Sam Clarke:
     Story in UK press this morning claims quickie divorce on the cards? Is it true?
Michael Jackson:
     Never believe the tabloid garbage. Don't waste your time, don't waste your money. No, it's not
     true. If you hear it from my lips, then you can believe it. But no, it's not true.

Internet Question From MJJ:
     What is your process from going from creating a rhythm on your human voice-box to the album
     version, such as in songs 'Who Is It' and 'Tabloid Junkie'?
Michael Jackson:
     The process is creating a vocal rhythm to a click track - which is a sound, a timed beat. And you're
     doing these mouth sounds to that beat. These sounds can be looped according to how you sample it
     in the computer again and again. This is your foundation for the entire track - everything plays off
     this. It's the rhythm, like the beatbox rhythm. Every song I've written since I was very little I've
     done that way. I still do it that way.

AOL Question from Smufetty:
     I love you and have enjoyed your music since icould hear and see..just one question: how can you
     keep going when the media makes everything so hard?
Michael Jackson:
     Thank you for your compliment, I appreciate it.I believe in my work, like I said, I have great
     confidence in my dreams. When I have a great idea I have an iron will, Even though the media
     creates such negative stories they do it just to sell more papers. If you look throughout history,
     and I'm not trying to put my name with the names of the past it's been pretty much the same.
     Ghandi, Christ and I'm not saying I'm Christ, I don't want to hear the press saying that. Some of
     the worst attentions had to do with ignorance on the part of the people because of the press. If it
     happened to them, it can happen to me.

AOL Question from DanielStein:
     If you could meet someone dead or alive and talk with them for an hour who would it be and why.
     P.S. Rock on with your bad self!
Michael Jackson:
     It would probably be Michelangelo because I think he is a phenomenal artist and I love art I think
     I understand what he was trying to say and do even though he got criticized. He was a true artist
     to the point of true artistry. I would love to just sit down and have a talk.

Prodigy Question from Tristene:
     Who is your best friend?
Michael Jackson:
     Pretty much the same as I've said...the children of the world...for their innocence, their simplicity,
     and their love. It's the same kind of innocence that I find in animals. They just want you for your
     love, and I love that.

Compuserve Question from BOUNDBROOK, NJ: [76235,646] AL & MEG
Michael Jackson:
     I truly care about children, and about the future for our children. I'm a little frightened about
     what the future is going to bring. I truly, truly love them and care about them. I will always help
     them. When I go on tour, I visit hospitals, terminally ill children. At my ranch at Neverland, we
     have many terminally ill children as our guests. We do this every few weeks. You do it because you
     truly love them and you care.

Internet Question From MJJ:
     It is rumored (I know you hate that word) that you are doing another book... Do you plan another
     book, if so, what will it contain?
Michael Jackson:
     I wrote a book called DANCING THE DREAM. It was more autobiographical than Moonwalker,
     which I did with Mrs. Onassis. It wasn't full of gossip and scandal and all the trash that people
     write so I don't think people paid much attention to it, but it came from my heart. It was essays,
     thoughts, things that I've thought about while on tour. I'm not planning to write another book
     anytime soon. If you want to know how I to feel, you can check out HIStory. It's a musical book.

Prodigy Question from Gemseeker:
     When & How did you learn to moonwalk? I think it's sooooo cool! :>
Michael Jackson:
     Thank you soooo much! I've always loved illusion dancing when you can pretty much create a step or
     an illusion with the body. THere's a new step that looks like you defy gravity that I've been
     working on for along time. One of my favorite movers is Marcel Marceau. But a lot of the steps
     that I do come from my heart. A lot of the steps come from the black community. From tap dancing,
     to the cake walk, to the Charleston. All these dances come from the black community to go all over
     the world.

Compuserve Question from COMPUSERVE REROUTED: [70004,3543] Jamie Ballengee:
     Mr. Jackson, What advice would you give someone who is in a similar position with the bad things
     from the press? My little sister Andrea Ballengee lost her Miss VA crown. :-(
Michael Jackson:
     You don't pay attention to it. You become strong, you move ahead. The best advice I can give is to
     believe in yourself, know there's a tomorrow, walk tall...don't pay attention to the's
     complete ignorance.

Internet Question From MsMittens:
     Oh... before I forget... someone from the internet who couldn't access this site asked me to ask you
     how you are doing and why you are doing the simulchat tonight?
Michael Jackson:
     I'm fine, doing all right. [laughs] I'm doing this simulchat because I love my fans, and I want to
     talk with you! I think this is incredible technology, just amazing, and I think we're pioneering here!
     Can I say hello to a couple of my friends? Hello, Lisa Marie...Hello, Paul McCartney...Hello, Mrs.
     Disney... Hello to my friends in Gary, Indiana...I can't think of a good joke to say... I want to say I
     love all of you, all of my fans around the world I love you dearly and don't listen to all the garbage
     that you hear.

AOL Question from VanishR29:
     How do you feel about technology like the internet and it's effect on society?
Michael Jackson:
     I think it is wonderful. It is a wonderful way to correspond it's growing and this is the tip of the
     iceberg. In the next year we will see some amazing growths in technology and I hope that I'm
     around to see it. I pray that we continue to serve the world in a positive way not a negative way
     and not hurt anyone because it is wonderful.

Internet Question From MJJ:
     How involved are you with the other groups on the MJJ label?
Michael Jackson:
     I'm very much involved, not to the point of always being there, but listening to tapes, collaborating
     on the telephone, picking artists recommending ideas. The new 3T album which I just heard I think
     is going to be a big success. I do believe that.

     I want to say hi to Bill Bellamy in LA - he's a great guy.

     Thank you! Good night everybody. Talk to you soon. Bye!

[Claps in the room. Michael shakes everyone's hand, thanking them, and leaves.]

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