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Shaylee Alyea Hernandez
~~November 13th, 1997~ to ~April 4th, 1998~~
"We will always miss our sweet little Angel"
Kaylee Shae Frye
~~May 25th, 1997~ to ~August 9th, 1997~~
Dearest Kaylee,
We love and miss you very much.
Love Mommy, Daddy and Sisters Audrey and Payton
Timothy Michael Lamberti
~~November 19th, 1999~ to ~January 24th, 2000~~
Arielle Elizabeth Jane Broadstock
Arielle, you are our SUNSHINE!!!
When Jesus lived upon the earth
so many years ago
called the children close to
him because he loved them so...
And with that tenderness of old,
that same sweet, gentle way
He holds your little loved one
close within his arms today...
And you'll find comfort in your faith
that in his home above
the God of little children
gives your little one his love...
So think of your little darling
lighthearted, happy and free
playing in God's promised land
where there is Joy Eternally...
"Let not your heart be troubled".
You are trusting God, now Trust in me.
There are many homes up there where
my Father lives, and I am going to
prepare them for your coming.
When everything is ready, then I will
come and get you, so that you can
always be with me where I am.
If this weren't so, I would have told you.
Justice Orion Nelson
~~January 24th, 2000~ to ~May 16th, 2000~~
"Justice, we miss you so much"!
Jonathon Rusty Dunfee Jr.
~~October 27th, 1999~ to ~January 31st, 2000~~
Destiny Rayn Hart
~~January 24th, 2000~ to ~July 7th, 2000~~
I lie in bed thinking of you and your smile,
Thinking I might fall asleep for awhile.
Never to know why God wanted you,
I only can try to find something to do.
As memories of you go through my mind,
If I could have picked a child of any kind.
I would have picked one so happy, healthy, and true.
The child I would pick, would have been you.
As I sit and wonder why this happened to me.
I know your soul and spirit is free.
You are not the one who caused me this pain,
For you are my baby.
*Click Here To Go To Destiny's Webpage*
Logan Nathaniel Miller
~~June 29th, 1999~ to ~February 19th, 2000~~
The doctor told me I was in labor. The baby was coming soon. The doctor told me I needed to be in Amarillo-the best place for the baby would be there. I was airlifted out on June 23rd, 1999. The doctors there gave me medication to stop the labor and shots of steroid to help his lungs mature. The doctors said he had a 50/50 chance. A week later on June 29th, 1999, Logan Nathaniel was born. At only 2 pounds, 5 1/2 ounces he was SO tiny. He had many tubes and wires connected to him. His small hands with tiny fingers he could wrap around only the tip of our fingers. He slept in an open isolette for a few days. Soon he was moved to a closed isolette which would be his home for 2 months. He had several infections, jaundice, RSV which meant he had IVs in his head, hands, arms, and feet. He was on a ventilator, C-Pap, and nasal canula. We fed him through a tube we put down his throat. He was on medication for his lungs and his refulx, a diuretic, and steroids. He snuggled with his Beanie Babies, Mel and Freckles. Each day he gained a little more. Some days were good, some were not so good. To teach Logan how to eat, we used DumDum lollipops. As each day went by the time became closer for us to go home.
The whole time I was in the hospital and the 11 weeks we stayed with Logan, I knew everything was going to be just fine. Even when the easiest thing for me to do would be just give up, Logan was so needy and fought so hard for every breath he took. He needed me, but I needed him even more. I could only be by his side, pray for him every minute, every hour, every day. To look into his big blue eyes all I could do was fall in love with that tiny little person. So many worries, so many fears.
From the moment I first saw him and touched his tiny hand, he reached right into my heart, into my soul, and took over. He made everything so small. Even though he was so tiny, he was so large. Because Logan lives he gives me hope. God has stood by my side through tough times and tougher and now He sha sent to me the most precious give of all-my Logan.
I know that Logan's success in life comes from God, from the many prayers that were sent up by our many, many friends adn family members across the country. Without God, the story would have been much different. I praise God daily for our precious Logan.
On February 19, 2000, Logan Nathaniel Miller passed away in his sleep. We thank God for the short time we had to spend with him.
Written by Logan's Mom...
Maria Amelia Bonilla Jo Lopez
~~July 11th, 2000~ to ~July 29th, 2000~~
You're just what I wanted. A little girl with black hair, blue eyes, and dark skin. You're everything I dreamed you would be. A perfect Angel. I thank you for letting me share your life with you. The 18 days we had. I learned to know your cries, your needs. I felt your love and I saw your beautiful smile everytime I spoke to you. I loved standing behind you and I would speak, call your name, you would turn your head trying to find me. And when you got into my arms you would cuddle up to me and give me kisses. I know you were just wanting to eat, but it Feels so much like a kiss. I loved it when you would watch me, laying there studying me, not letting me know you're awake until I looked down at you. I thank you Bubbles for letting me share your short, beautiful, loving life with me. You will always be in my heart. I will always have you in my memory. When I close my eyes I will see your tiny face.
Bubbles, I LOVE YOU.
Your Mommy
MeHeTa, (Maria)
I will always remember the 18 days we spent with each other. I'll remember when I would get home form work and I was tried and would always have the time for you, my daughter. I know you were the one I wanted, you are the special one that is up there in Heaven with grandpa Mitchell and grandma and grandpa Lopez, your cousin Leon and your Uncle Victor. I will never ever forget you or your beautiful smile.
Love you Always
Your Daddy, Lucio R. Lopez,II
Matthew Logan Hoffman
~~January 21st, 2000~ to ~July 4th, 2000~~
~We Miss You Matthew!~
James and Rosina Hoffman,
and twin brother Dakota
Mahnesha Dee' Lucia James
~~January 17th, 2000~ to ~June 9th, 2000~~
Our smallest precious Angel.
You were here just a short time.
But, in that short time you brought joy, love and memories
That will never fade.
We will forever love you and you will forever remain our
Smallest Precious Angel
That was our Blessing from God.
Love You Always,
Momma & Daddy
Grandpa Bill, Grandma Dee, Angela,
Aunt Mindy, Aunt Camilla, Aunt Angela and Uncle Jordan,
and your Big Sister Montasia
Zachary William Davied
~~February 24th, 2000~ to ~March 15th, 2000~~
"Zachary, we all miss you so much."
Trevor James Allen
~~February 12th, 1997~ to ~June 28th, 1997~
Corey Leigh Lovett
~~October 22, 1993~ to ~February 16th, 1994~
Kayden Alexander Kauffman
~~September 21st, 2000~ to ~November 9th, 2000~
"I'll lend you for a little time
a child of mine,"
"For you to love and while he lives,
and mourn for when he's dead.
It may be six or seven years
or twenty-two or three,
But will you, til I call him back,
take care of him for Me?
He'll bring his charms to gladden you,
and should his stay be brief,
You'll have his lovely memories
as solace for your grief.
I can not promise he will stay,
since all from earth return.
But there are lessons taught down there
I want this child to learn.
I've looked this wide world over
in my search for teacher true,
and from the throngs that crowd life's lanes,
I have selected you.
Now will you give him all your love,
not to think the labor vain.
Nor hate Me when I come to call,
and take him back again?
I fancied that I heard them say,
'Dear Lord, Thy will be done,
for all the joy Thy child shall bring,
the risk of grief we'll run.
We'll shelter him with tenderness,
We'll love him while we may.
And for the happiness we've known,
forever grateful stay.
But should the angels call for him
much sooner than we planned.
We'll brave the bitter grief that comes
and try to understand'."
~~~Written by Mackenzie Yvonne Bryceland~~~
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