and Definitely Do Not's!!!!!!
1. Do throw stuffed animals on stage... it's not like the BSB are going to use them but at least they'll go to a nice hospital
2. Don't throw random pieces of underwear... or if you do, make sure you aim carefully
3. Do go to Times Square and vote for BSB on TRL... about a million times!!!!
4. Don't say N'Sync sucks on air if you're in the middle of a crowd of N'Sync fans... unless you consider death fun
5. Don't say you want to have their children... they are not spermatoriums at your disposal
6. Don't jump in front of the tour bus... they are very busy boys, they have places to go, and if you're in their way...
Okay so, I know that's not much for now,
but hey, if ya wanna send me some I'd be happy to put them up on
this page, and like a good little girl, I'll give you all the
credit! So and do it soon! j/k this
page feels so bare.......