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The Twin Rivers Bass Club

Twin Rivers Bass Club

Welcome to the Twin Rivers Bass Club

The Twin Rivers Bass Club of Emporia Ks, promotes education, conservation,and friendly competition. We fish an eight tournament schedule. The Twin Rivers Bass Club adopted a new tournament format in 2000 which has increased the boater and non-boater chances of placing in our tournaments by 50% and to give our novice fishermen more opportunity to learn more about bass fishing.

We have gone to a pro-am type tournament where the boater fishes against boater and the non-boater against non-boater. We believe this has helped our non-boater participation in the club in several ways. If you ever fished out of the back of a boat you know that the person in the front has the advantage. So the person in the back is only fishing against other non-boaters with the same odds of catching fish. We feel this has opened up communications between the boater and non-boater so each can share information about the how's and why's they are fishing the way they are. The club member who ends up with the most points either boater or non-boater will represent our club in the Mr. Bass competition.

Many fishermen are curious about tournament fishing and a bass club is the perfect place to get a feel for the sport. Fishing in a club environment allows anglers the opportunity to test their skills against other anglers in friendly competition. It is also a great way to learn tactics for locating and catching bass on area lakes and reservoirs.

We would love to hear from you. Go to our contact at the bottom of the page if you would like more information about meeting lacation and time or if feel free to ask any questions you might have and we will be glad to get back with you!

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E-Mail to: Bryan Hampton

This site was last modified on 4/18/03
Copyright 2000, All Rights Reservered, Twin Rivers Bass Club
B & D's Webb Design