Ma famille!
Das about the smallest, worst quality pic, but nevertheless tis me and my sister!!
Sooo...my family consists of my daddy, mommy, older sister Susan, and me!!
My rents!
My dad is probably not your conventional Korean dad. hehe...mebbe it's cuz we've lived in America for so much of his life, mebbe he's just like that, or mebbe it's cuz he has two daughters. Regardless, he's very gentle, loving, and babies his daughters. (das me!!) hehe...I mean, there's always going to be your typical passing of gaseous wastes from various orifices, just as any other Korean male, but aside from that, he's pretty Americanized. He thinx I have his brain whenever I do anything remotely smart to him. Funnee huh? :P I wonder whose brain I have when I do something dumb. :D hahaha...He really is the best dad ever. I guess I was blessed with a Dad who really cares--even tho he freaks out sometimes and worries about me more than all the dads in the world combined. :P I'm grateful for that tho--tis better than having a dad who doesn't care!
So I guess mom's not really a conventional Korean mom either. Well..mebbe more so than my dad just cuz my dad isn't my vision of a Korean AJUSHEE, but Korean women are pretty similar. She's just like my eemos--all of her sisters. All 7 of them. They have all decided that I walk like my mom, look like her, wiggle my toes like her, and basically embody MY MOTHER, when she was my age. I think that's hilarious...I really am starting to resemble her more and more. I see it in the things I do and the way I am in general. It's pretty scary sometimes cuz when I was little, I didn't ever think I'd be like her, but I guess I ended up that way. :) Now that I'm older and I really appreciate my mom and realize HOW much she really does for me, ima glad that ima becoming to be more like her. :P hehe...I always wonder how she did alluv that when i was young. Work alll day (shoot, ima DEAD after I work. ima so tired at the end of the day, I can't even think straight) drive me around all over the place, cook dinner, clean the house etc...how did she do it all?? i have no clue how ima gunna follow in those footsteps...
So I guess I realize that I don't really appreciate all my rents do for me as much as I should. I just never realized all they did before, but now that I'm a lil older and kinda understand, it amazes me...I APPRECIATE YOU GUYS! hehe..salang hae! :P *muah*
Aww...where do I start? It's my big sis, by 5 yrs, even tho nobody believes that. hahaha...peepz ask who's older and she gets all shingungjeel cuz she's like 5 years! 5 years! hahaha..I think it's funnee. So she gave me alluv these complexes when i was little about my smell, my nose, my AHEM size etc...but das ok! haha..I still love you! :P She takes care of me and lets me randomly make visits to Dallas and stuffers. neato frito eh? I still remember alluv our fights and screaming when we were little, but we're all past that now right? hehehe...but newaiz, she's a good good big sis and is always takin care o me and stuff. I don't get to see her that much, but she knows I got nothin but looooove for her. hehehe...yay!!