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Ra'aling and Ra'almates

Not everyone Ra'als (sometimes called bonding) or even wants to, after all, why would a dedicated baker want a dragon around that's bigger than his bakery? But for those who do Ra'al it's something that changes their life!

. . . wait a minute . . I can hear you asking yourself: "What is this chick _talking_ about . . what is this 'Ra'aling' stuff?? Well. Prepare to be enlightened. To Ra'al means to find one's soulmate. No, not romantically. Just two individuals that match and understand eachother perfectly being joined on the level of the mind. Meaning that they can 'speak' telepathically at eachother, as well as feel eachother's emotions, etc. Clear as the keyboard I'm typing this on? Good. However, there are some conditions. :) A humanoid will never Ra'al to a humanoid. Only to a Ra'aler (phoenix, dragon, unicorn, or serpent) and likewise, a dragon wouldn't Ra'al to a serpent, or some such. :)

There is one Ra'aler species for each of the true Realms, however that doesn't mean that they only Ra'al within those divisions. Ex: a dragon (a Sky Realm Ra'aler) may choose to bond a merman (of the Sea Realm)
Occasionally it happens that either member of the Ra'alpair dies. Usually the other dies along with them, but occasionally they will live and may even Ra'al again.
The four types of Ra'alers are each complex and different, so read up!
Well, first here's a way to differentiate between the species: the names. Each of the Ra'alers has a characteristic that is always present in their names: Dragons: a double vowel somewhere, Unicorns: ends in 'll', Serpents: a double vowel in the direct center of the name, Phoenixes: ends with the same letter it begins with. Ok. Done. You can read now.
Oops. Lied. One more thing about Ra'aling: the royalty or commonness of a Ra'aler is unknown until the moment it Ra'als, upon which time it becomes either 'common' or whatever its species declares as royalty. This is called Changeover.
Below are links to more information on becoming a Ra'alcandidate & what happens after Ra'aling and info on the individual species.

Ra'alcandidates and Classes

The Sky Realm: Dragons

The True Fire Realm: Phoenixes

The Sea Realm: Serpents

The Earth Realm: Unicorns

*note: Ra'alers are not capable of speech and so communicate telepathically. So as to make this obvious in posts, instead of using quotation marks for the dialogue between, say, a dragon and his rider, {{}} and [[]] are used. Example: {{Hi, human.}} [[Hi, dragon]]

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