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The Rules

There aren't too many actual rules here. Pretty much just common sense or guidelines for the experienced RPGer. To the new guy though, here we go! By the way, these are in completely random order.
1. Keep it PG-13 for the most part. We boardies don't really want to have to set an age limit so no graphic sex, extensive cussing, etc.
2. Play only your own characters.
3. Be realistic. There are no AK-47's in Karelis! Likewise, Al Gore probably isn't going to pop in and give your 'sona advice . . In another sense, have your persona be realistic too. Please no superheroes or invincibility . . no one's perfect, you know.
4. We're not going to set a posting rule, but please do it often.
5. Write in 3rd Person, past tense.
6. Please notify one of the boardies and get their approval before deciding to do anything major. If nothing else, we can help you blow it up into a massive and infinitely more imposing thread. (not that we're questioning anyone's abilities - but GM's tend to excel at such things)
7. This isn't necessary, but in order for you to be sure that you attract whoever needs to read your post, put 'attn: thenameofwhoyouneed' in the subject line.
8. This isn't really a rule, but for those of you RPGing in other clubs, there are no headers necessary in Karelis!
