swizz comes and shows verbal who`s da #1 playa`

Swizz came down to kck from his pad in colorado. and he`d been talking to dereks girl and she`s been telling him about what they gonna do and he was sayin what he wanted to do. well we all knew something was gonna go down so justin got it over with quick, he staright up went over to verbal fag`s girls house and they started making out and what else happened we`ll let ur imagination go from there. well chedda` and swizz go back to chedda`s place and the pathetic verbal was sittin there on chedda`z steps.they walk by him. then verbal comes in and tries to get through chedda`...wich aint happnin cause he`s a pussy ass hoe! and chedda` shoves him down...then he tries again and gets knocked down... what a qweer! then he gets back up tries to hit swizz and misses then tries to choke swizz and gets pulled off by chedda. once chedda` lets him up he puts his watch over his knuckles and swings...hits but get`s laughed at. then he gets some girls to get in the way so chedda cant hit him. he walks off knowing he just lost because he lost his girl to the man...swizz. so verbal aint nothing but a pussy ass hoe!
