Title: Crying Game
1x2, 4+2
Trick Star/ Yumi Moriyama
Date Published:
- Artwork:
It's nice, good attention to detail. Duo is drawn prettily, and Heero is well.. Heero *grins*
- Plot:
This circle actually working on a long series of 1x2. I think ( not quite sure ^^;; ) that this dj is the first in the series. The others, in order, are I've never been sleeping in the night, For the Loving, Love Story the Finale, all of which can be found at Kore. There's probably more - but I haven't found them yet T_T Yet, being the operative word ^_^;;
Most of the dj takes place at an Anonymous School TM, where Duo has tracked Heero down. Heero takes exception to this and has sex with Duo. No, don't ask. ^^;; It's a spandex boy thing I guess... Then they have sex again, and again, and again, in different positions of course. Poor Duo, all that sex, and never a single kiss ^^;; While walking back to the dorm, Duo spots a couple kissing in the moonlight, and he wonders what it'd be like to kiss Heero. Poor Duo ^^;;
The second story, more like an interlude, is after Episode 11? where Quatre and Duo are hiding out after Heero does something... explosive... Quatre tries to comfort Duo with a kiss - his first. Duo reacts rather violently to it and asks Quatre to leave. He angsts over the fact that he and Heero never got to kiss. ;_; But don't worry ^^ ~ We've got the next one posted ^^
- Opinion:
Nice series. We get to see Heero turn from seme without a heart to seme with a heart, and its just... a nice 1x2 series, what can I say =p
Reviewed by Reishin
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