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The Legend of King Arthur and Merlin

No one is certain whether King Arthur truly existed or not. What is certain is that he was NOT a medieval king. We know very little historically about him, we can only go by stories and legends. He was most likely a 5th Century warrior chieftan who protected his people. He is often depicted as a god-like Celtic king.

King Arthur was the son of Uther Pendragon and Igraine, the duchess of Cornwall. He was taught and protected by a Druid named Merlin. King Arthur was married to Guinevere who was a Triple Goddess/May Queen. She gave Arthur his right to rule simply by being with her. She ran off with one of the Knights of the Round Table named Sir Lancelot. Arthur tried to pursue her, not because he loved her, but because without her his kingdom would crumble. He was killed in battle by his son Mordred. Modred was also the son of Morgan Le Fay, who was Arthur's half-sister. Morgan Le Fay was possibly the goddess of Glastonbruy Tor. Today she is depicted as the goddess of death.

The Lady of the Lake is usually depicted as a faery woman, or a deity of life, death, and reincarnation. She possessed the sword Excalibur, which she gave to Arthur. She is sometimes attributed with being the foster mother of Sir Lancelot.

Merlin was a magician, seer, teacher, advisor, and Druid. He was probably once worshipped as a god. Merlin took the role of a sacrificial god when the woman he loved, Vivienne embedded him in a rock. Sir Gawain saw this and told Arthur who rescued him. Merlin became King Arthur's advisor and instructor.

King Arthur died in battle against his son Mordred. Some people say that King Arthur's body lies in a cave, awaiting the day when he will be needed again. Others say he was brought to the Isle of Avalon to be healed. It is assumed that he died there. Some believe the island was not a geographical place, but the Otherworld. Some claim that is was what is now Glastonbury. In 1190 monks at the Glastonbury abbey found a tomb and a cross they claim belongs to King Arthur. The cross says "HIC IACET SEPLTUS INCLITUS REX ARTURUS IN INSULA AVALONA". This translates to "Here lies buried the renonwed King Arthur in the Isle of Avalon".