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Irish Spirits

Faeries are found many times in celtic mythology, and even today. In Ireland there are two types of faeries: trooping faeries which live in groups and solitary faeries. The trooping faeries generally live in Fairyland, while to solitary ones are more interested in the human world and what humans are doing. The Irish still love to tell tales of faery encounters and nearly every house, theatre, church, or graveyard in Ireland has a story or two about the spirits that inhabit that location.There are a variety of faery folk, often referred to as the "little people". Some examples are merrows, phookas, bean sidhe (banshee), leprechauns, selkies, far darrig, dullahan, and clurichauns.

Merrows are also know as merfolk. The male merrow has a red nose, is a bringer of good luck, wears a red cocked hat, eyes of a pig, scales, arms like fins, has a green body, and does not wear clothes. He can usually be found sitting on top of a rock scanning the sea for lost ships. Female merrows are also known as mermaids. She is lovely and graceful. She has a tail of a fish, web-like scales between her fingers, and she sometimes wears a gown as white as seafoam. She may also wear a red hat or a dark sleeveless cloak. If a man captures her hat or cloak she must marry him.

Selkies are seals by day, but men and women by night. They are also known as water kelpies, seal people, or selchies.

Bean sidhes, or banshees, are not evil, contrary to popular belief. The only way she is a danger is if she is seen crying. The wail of a banshee pireces the night and announces a mortal's death. The are usually associated with celtic families of ancient lineage, specifically those with 'Mac/Mc' or O'. The Banshee loves the mortal family. She has a white figure, silver-gray hair, a plae face, red eyes, and a gray-white cloak. She can also appear as a beautiful , young girl, with long, red-golen hair or shrouded in a dark cloak.

The Pookah comes out at night. They are the hobgolbins of Ireland. They love to cause harm to humans, especially children and crops. They have also been known to kill herds of animals, like cattle. Phookas are extrememly ugly and ill-tempered. They are always on the lookout for newbron babies to steal and exchange with faery changelings. To protect your baby it is said that you must place garlic or dill-weed in a baby's crib. Another way is to not call it by it's real name until it is after 6 months old.

Leprechauns are probably the most famous of the "little people". They are solitary creatures who aviod contact with humans. They are ugly, stunted, bulky, and short. They usually dress is drab clothing, usually green or gray in color. They are foul-mouthed, they drink a lot of beer, and smoke. They are shoe-makers and they guard faery treasures, usually a pot of gold. If a human cathes a leprechaun he must do as he says. Female leprechauns are not known to exist.

Cluricauns are related to leprechauns. They look the same, except they have pink noses. They do not make shoes, but instead enter rich men's wine cellars and drink them dry. They enjoy harnessing sheep and goats and riding them around fields.

The far darring is in near realtion with leprechauns. They have similar features, but has a yellow-splotched face. He dresses in red clothes. They delight in mischief and mockery, they love to play practical jokes on humans. They have also been known to give evil dreams.

The Dullahan is a headless horseman. Wherever he stops riding a mortal dies. His face is the color and texture of molded cheese. He holds his head tucked under his arm. He rides on a black horse with flaming red eyes. He sometimes drives a black coach drawn by 6 black horses with no heads. The only way to protect yourself from one is with gold.