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Starlit Horizon

Wow! I've been putting in a lot of hours at work and in school lately, so I haven't been able to put as much effort into the Horizon as it deserves, but I have made one important advance- Pictures! I have finally learned how to edit my photographs into something that DOESN'T take three hours to load. Many of the ponies now have photos to go along with their index entries, and I have posted several of my own customs under (surprise, surprise!) My Customs. Please go take a look at the updated site and tell me what you think. And thanks to everyone who has been sending me photos and backcard stories.

The following links are connected and worth looking at:
Trades is badly in need of updating. If you are interested in trading with me, please contact me using the email below. Thanks.
My Customs
Checklists (barren because Angelfire deleted them all. Again.)
Pony Index (work in progress) I have been having some problems with the Pony Index for the last several months- Angelfire deleted over 200 pages in the Index, and it's taking a while to recover/rebuild them. Thanks for your continued patience.

My Customs
Pony Index
