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December 20, 2002: Skoolz out n winter break offically begins on mon. tiz two wks r gonna go bai fast n when it does, i'm gonna look baq on tiz day n say tat it felt lyke only yesterdai. We took our career test...dey told meeh tu beeh uh architect. an architect? iono noe da first thing about wut ppl lyke architects do! I'm gonna make uh News Year resolution nevah tu procrastinate again. but i'm bound tu break tiz as soon as I wish it. *tsk tsk* i'm reali friggin upset rite now...i kant beleive everythingz as ish is. ppl say da best medicine ish laughter but i reali hope it wuz...

December 18, 2002: HAPPY BIRTHDAY WESLEY!


December 13, 2002: It has seemed lyke ages since i've last updated this journal. I neglect this daily. Sometimes i wished mai mom wuzn't swo restrictive on mai internet usage. She alwyz says tat i kan resort tu da fone~ but i'm awfully happy tat she finally agreed tu let meeh get uh cell fone. I coveted wun for many seasons past. I've been swo krayzee lately. Sometimes i dun think i know maiself anymore. but i guess tat all apart of growing up...discovering yourself. I took da career center test...ish says i'm gonna beeh uh architect. hehe...tatz wun thing tat definately nevah crossed mai mind. As for wut i'd reali lyke tu beeh, iono, I juss noe ish something i wont regret doing or go krayzee after several years. welpz...i finally got tu c A WALK TO REMEMBER. i thought it wuz an awesome movie. ish swo sad. da ending arrived so sudden. i wuz juss sortah died. i already watched da dvd 3 about krayzee...i dun thnk i haff much tu reminisce bout further swo i'll beeh off. tah!
word of the day: kwarky

December 12, 2002: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TESSA!

December 11, 2002: HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSICA!

November 5, 2002: After school today was hilarious! I'M SORRY CHRISTINA IF I HAVE BAD TASTES IN GUYS! lolz. *_- anwyz, da highlights include the following: iain learned that ketchup is good for you, owen locked stephanie out of the boys room after snatching a picture she drew of him in a dress, we all got back to da libaray in time!(which is an abberation), and meeh and christina got sick on sweets. *sleepy...bam! I fell off mai chair* yeah...swoo...mai final word for today will be... ~JEANETTE -N- COOGA GOOGA FOREVER~ ~CHRISTINA -N- HER GUY! *WINK*


October 12,2002: I have noticed the depressing remarks about high school becoming an overwhelming environment has increased. *sigh* ORCH PIX TODAI! Dun u find it ironic when the photographer said tat we shall be on the raisers for only approximately 8 minutes and not any longer? Faith! You noe we ABSOLUTELY ADORE ur music camp *cough* blue band. *^^*

October 4, 2002: I haff offically given up attempting the cap-non-cap idea. *sigh* it takes tu long. hmm...I feel kinda "perezosa" lately. sumetimes i find mai self not capitalizing mai "I's". Voted for offices today. Tu bad I couldn't...da bell rang n da ppl said...oOpz! booth close~ *smirk* I KANT SERVE UH TENNIS BALL! =/ i've alwyz managed tu haff it fly over da tennis courts n onto da grass...*watch out cars* maybe sportz reali aint mai thing...

Sept. 21, 2002: CaR wAsH tOdAI! I goT sWo dRenChEd! SoAp iN mAi hAiR n SuM gOt iN mAi mOutH! iT tAsTe nastY...iSh lYkE...kInDa lYkE sHiT...heh...I wOnDeR wUt tAt tAsTes LykE...On sEcOnD tHoUgHt, I'd sTiCk wId Da sOaP. wHeN i gOt OnTu hUgO rEiD cAmPus...Ekk..I hAd uH bAd fEeLin bOuT tIz. i KaNt bEliEve cHris gOt sOaP aLl dOwN mWa bAq! =/ rAts...aLvIn hOsEd mEeH aS I wUz LeAvIn...MaI mOm tHoUgHt..OmG! wUt hApPenEd tU yOo? sOaKed...dReNcheD...bUt oVerAll uH phUn eXpERIenCe! LuV yOo aLl! mWa CaR wAsH bUdDiEs!

SePt. 7, 2002: MuSiC cAmP isH oVaH n sKoOl hAs aLrEadY bEgUn. MuSiC cAmP wUn uH vErY eNjOyAbLe wK fOr mEeH. mAdE nEw fWnD...tUnEd MaI iNsTrUmEnT...N oVeR aLl...hAd PHUN! sKoOl's rEsUmEd aGaIn. Hw...tEaChErS...bIg cAmPuS. I kAnT bEliEvE mIdDlE sKoOl hAs pAsSeD uS bAi sWo qUiCkLy. I'm gLaD tU hAd nO tRoUbLe fInDiN mAi wAy rOuNd cAmPuS (tHoUgH I gOt lOsT sEvEraL tImEs aT mUsiC cAmP oN Da wAy tU gILbOa HalL =/ ) N tU JuMpStArT dA YeAr, LeT uS ReFlEcT bAq LaSt YeAr oN sEpTeMbEr 11tH. In ReMeMbRaNcE Of 9/11...*tEaR dRoP*

~BaQ tU mAi hOmEpAgE~