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i am such an insomniac thought maybe i should blog a little its gonna be a bitch getting to sleep on monday damn .. school starts in what 3 more days ahh TUESDAY!! on thursday i hung out with leasa it was cool we found a shopping cart i hopped in and she started wheeling me around tanasbourne im trying to have fun my last days of [no school] so whatever sounds/looks fun i'll go for it lol i also got stuck in a bush!! we were running from xaiver or however you spell his name and we're trying to jump over these bushes so leasa launches me over im like half way on one end and halfway on the other my shoe is off lol that was fuckin funny ,yeah and today really kinda was boring my sister found out shes in red hall SHES VIOLENT SHES BEEN SCREAMING AND BALLING ABOUT IT ALL DAY .. i mean usually she is only upset about something for an hour or so but damn its like shes been traumatized or something she really wanted to be in blue hall because most her friends were in there but oh well .. w/e and im sure she wont shut up about it tommorow or i mean today today is saturday just 1 in the it counts as the 30th.. yeah..

aim convo

o0RealityBites0o: she is still violent
o0RealityBites0o: lol
************: lol
************: that sucks though
************: Red Hall sucks.
************: I mean
************: RED HALL RULES!!!!!!!!!!

music:try honest-billy talent


well i just got back from the coast a couple hours ago geez 12 more days till school starts IM SO afraid and i want my damn schedule i am not really all hyped out about it because i hate shopping ..!!!! expecially with a parent its SOOOO FREAKKING AHH annoying and also it just takes alot of time and i always piss my mom off and i always feel like people are stalking me or staring at me im so paranoid oh well lol also i cant stay up late anymore and u know what really sucks i have to get up at 5:00am now since school starts at 7:45am rowr thats gonna take some getting used to ok this is incredible boring but anyhow hopefully everything will turn out good cyz


music:between angels and insects-papa roach