>> thoughtz and feelingz in da month of may/june/july(2003/04)


Omg so tired rite now...today waz soo hot!!!!!...damit...not alot of hmk today!!! YEA!!..oopz, capz lock...ahhhhh math test in math skool on saturdae..sigh..meh gonna fail!!!..i don't rememeber ne thing!!..missed lyke a month of classes cuz of sarz...i lyke sarz...well, not if i had it, but lolz..ok,w/e..ugh i hate dat fufu bitch...i hate all da crap she talkz about!!!...blah blah blah..and she spitz too!!! hey vera it'z ur b-dae in 2 daez!!...happy early b-dae...dere'z nuttin to say..l8terz pple..luv u all...<3


going to stratford tomorrow ah...dunno wat to wear...so frustrating...i hate elisa...so jealous...of her shirtz...haha..jkzjkz...newaiz....omg candy..u dunno wat a composite iz??????...speaking of composites, stupid fufu...I HATE HER...dat b****


heyhey...so bored...summer holidayz finalli here!!...can't believe grad'z ova alreadi!!! for monthz we've been talking about it...and it'z ova....so sad...it waz kinda disappointing tho...wasn't dat great...i'll miss u all...high skool scare, nervous, excited...everythingz new...reading hp #5 rite now...it'z ok la, if u pple wanna get it, get it from Costco...iz dat how u spell??? newaiz, sumthing lyke dat...it'z cheaper @ Costco :)...omg summer iz gonna be SOOOO boring...nuttin to do and piano examz in august (same day as my mom'z b-day--so sad) going to ottawa, montreal, quebec city soon....sigh...went to Wonderland yesterday! got so soaked!! haha my ass waz wet da whole time...kinda nasty...ya well, i'm happy bout my markz in my report card :) not bad...canada day tomorrow!!!...not gonna celebrate it, neva did, and probably neva will, meh bad...ya well, today'z da third anniversary of moving to diz house...miss my old skool :(...gonna go now...hope to update more often..hehe...newaiz hope u pple hv a safe and happy summer holiday!!<-- omg dat'z so corny!!!!...da fufu put dat in my report card...go figure...i luv u and miss u all!!! -Kay

>> graduation <<

And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives Where we`re gonna be when we turn 25 I keep thinking times will never change Keep on thinking things will always be the same But when we leave this year we won`t be coming back No more hanging out cause we`re on a different track And if you got something that you need to say You better say it right now cause you don`t have another day

Cause we`re moving on and we can`t slow down These memories are playing like a film without sound And I keep thinking of that night in June I didn`t know much of love But it came too soon And there was meand you And then we got real cool Stay at home talking on the telephone with me We`d get so excited, we`d get so scared Laughing at our selves thinking life`s not fair And this is how it feels

As we go on We remember All the times we Had together And as our lives change Come whatever We will still be Friends forever

So if we get the big jobs And we make the big money When we look back now Will our jokes still be funny? Will we still remember everything we learned in school? Still be trying to break every single rule Will little brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man? Can Heather find a job that won`t interfere with her tan? I keep, I keep thinking that it`s not goodbye Keep on thinking it`s a timeto fly And this is how it feels

As we go on We remember All the times we Had together And as our lives change Come whatever We will still be Friends forever

La, la, la, la Yeah, yeah, yeah La, la, la, la We will still be friends forever

Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now? Can we survive it out there? Can we make it somehow? I guess I thought that this would never end And suddenly it`s like we`re women and men Will the past be a shadow that will follow us `round? Will these memories fade when I leave this town I keep, I keep thinking that it`s not goodbye Keep on thinking it`s a time to fly

As we go on We remember All the times we Had together And as our lives change Come whatever We will still be Friends forever

As we go on We remember All the times we Had together And as our lives change Come whatever We will still be Friends forever

As we go on We remember All the times we Had together And as our lives change Come whatever We will still be Friends forever


hi...wow i actualli updated 2 dayz iin a row!!! dat should be a record, jkz...today iz CANADA DAY!! Canada's 136th? b-day!!!! Happy birthday!!! here's a song for u!! :

Happy birthday to you

happy birthday to you,

happy birthday to Canada,

happy birthday to you!!!!!!

So newaiz, today i went to diz Chin picnic thing...located @ da Ex...SO boring and SO DAMN HOT!!!! omg we went all da way downtown for dat, waste of time if u ask meh!!!..so ya as i said before, it's canada day today!! dere'z probably gonna be lyke fireworkz everywhere tonite!!! can't sleep...almost done hp#5 mayb i'll finish it tomorrow:(...i wish it waz even longer..summerz boring...sigh...i wanna go sumwhere, waz gonna go....candy juz interuppted..so newaiz, as i waz saying, Waz gonna go on a cruise to i tink da eastern? or waz it da western Carribean, but no, my dad didn't wanna go cuz he said we alreadi spent so much money when we went to hawaii and hong kong..damit!!...my mom reallie wanted to, she'z forever planning on tripz and outingz for us...but dat'z a gd thing, i luv travelling!!! :) so gonna stop hea...update soon...


almost done hp#5, one more chapter to go!!...YES Vancouver is hosting the 2010 winter olympicz!!!! Too bad it's lyke 7 more yearz..but dere'z gonna be summer olympicz next year, in Athens, Greece i tink...or waz it sumwhere else?? iunno...i luv watching da olympicz...lyke watching sportz...it's so sad, dere'z no hockey to watch, till october. i miss it alreadi!!!! So newaiz, ugh i gottah finish practicing piano...l8terz..haha...exam next month : |...omg...but after da exam my mom said i can quit, but then as much as i hate it, i don't reallie wanna quit..i mean spending so many years on it, so frustrated, all those hours practising, not to mention da theory examz!!!!...i juz can't quit...also, aren't dere supposed to be creditz???? so ya..sigh...but after da exam, i'm planning to ask my mom if i can get my nailz done<--haha DANILA!!...so ya...omg i can't believe we're going to hs in septemer, i'm nervous and excited :S...wat time doez it start newaiz???? do ne of u guyz wanna do car pool or sumthing??...we were talking bout it last time<--Magz, Candy...welpz, g2g now..piano... UGH...l8terz...update tomorrow..mayb..=P


heyy today'z lyke da first time i updated in da morning!! :) actualli i don't reallie update da rest of my site, juz dis part...well, going to wasaga beach today, don't wanna go...my mom developed the picz from da awardz assembly...elisa..i gottah gv u one of em...or @ least show u..hehe...newaiz, i reallie dunno wat to type here...oh ya meh and candy redid our geocities site...da magical doremi one...hope it's gonna be bettah den da old one...da old one ran out of space...probably cuz of all da quizes we put in it!!...lolz candy!!...but we didn't use html and i tink html lookz bettah, but da geocities one isn't bad...so go check it out!!!...i feel bad tho, cuz Candy, U did most of it..actualli u practically did da whole thing!!...i typed in da word part for myself...btw, wat does D.O.P stand for!?!?!...in da bout us page??...i thot it waz D.O.B which standz for date of birth?? :S...o welpz...yo pple...wen r we supposed to go to da hs to get our timetables/order yr bookz/checl out lockerz????...it'z sum time in august i noe...but do u noe da date!??!...do u guyz wanna go together??...ya welpz, gottah go eat now...ttylz =P


Hi pple...juz taking a short break from piano practising...omg exam is sooo soon!!! It's not fair!!! Da exam goes on from august 11th all da way to lyke da twenty sumthing, y do i hv to do it on da first day!?!?!?:!?!....and @ 9 in da morning too!!! i tink i'm lyke da the very first exam person : |...do dey go easier on da first person!?!..hehe...newaiz, so bored...hey, do u guyz wanna go to p-mall?? i tink mayb my parents can drive...mayb...gottah ask, but tell meh!! i wanna take picz...do u guyz wanna go to wonderland?? omg it's soooo sad!!! 29 year old Iranian twins who were borned joined in da head died today during surgery!! i've been following da story since dey first started surgery. omg it's so sad...ok, i reallie dunno wat to say...i need more clothes!!!!!..wanna go to orfus road to get jeans from UB...dey're lyke 10 buckz cheap den from da mall...also need new back pack, stationary and i want a purse, ya.


heyyzzz...whoa...hvn't gone on for a year!!!!!...i'm sooo bored...626 todae...every1 gone to wonderland...hai...remember last year wen i went w/ u candy???...lolz!!!!...i wouldn't lyke go on nethin!!...i can't believe u're goin to hk tonite!!! i hate u!! every1 iz goin dis year...lyke every1!!..u suc..jkzjkz...i realli wanna go...buh not in da summer. tooo hot~ rememba to get meh sumthin...u dun't hv to la...wen i go to chicago i'll get u sumthin too la...i will ho ho miss lei ga!!..sniffsniff...anna, u're ditchin meh too eh?? hmph...ditcher!!!!!!...lol..candii u bettah call meh wen u get bac la~anna u bettah go on msn...wen u get bac we can go watch princess diaries 2 la...i wanna watch twinz effect II ar!!!...ng fair ar...lol...i'm so sad...i'll stop feelin so srry for myself...summer jus started...wow..skool ended soo earli dis year and it'z not gonna start till da 7th!! heheh...got report cardz yesterdae...ngng...my planz 4 da summer ish pretti borin..nuffin much realli...volunteerin in july, and goin to chicago for 3 daez and in august watchin olympicZ 4 shur la and cuzin mite visit frum hk and mite go to da maritimez...dat'z bout it...shoppin...registration dae on sept 1...can't wait to get our schedulez...we bettah hv da same lunch and hv classes togetha!!!!...^__^...todae i went shoppin w/ my mommi @ fairview mall...borin...i'm sick of fairview...wanna go to stc now...lol...not startin volunteer till next next week...gonna b bored dis cummin week...hai...newaiz...nuttin much else to say la...try to update more often here...onli dis section...dis iz lyke kinda my online diary...hehe...gonna go now...luv ya lotz every1...missin u soooo muchie alreadi candii and anna!! : (...buh hv fun la!!


i'm soooo bored!!!! i can't believe u're leavin tonite anna...i dun't noe wat tyme u're leavin...so u mite b gone alreadi...actualli no...u said u're leavin @ nite...prolly round da same tyme as candii...: (...summer sux...no 1 iz online either!!..wen does summah skool start???...where iz every1?!?!...prolly went to hk...stupey pplz...i'm so jealous!!...i've been readin sooo muchie...yaya, go ahead and laugh~itz bettah den u tink...mayb u shuld try it sum tyme instead of laughin @ meh...hai...dere'z nuttin much to say....................................i noe it'z short todae...buh w/e...can't tink of nethin to say...i'm so dead..and i'm jus gonna go on talkin bout nuttin........

thursdae+july 1+9:00p.m

heyyyz...todae iz Canada Day!!!! Happi b-dae 137th b-day!!!! Wow i jus knew dat i wrote sumthin in here last year on canada day as well...haha...newaiz...nuttin specho todae...went yum cha in da mornin dat'z it...i wanna go shoppin tomorrow...hv volunteer meetin tomorrow mornin...volunteer startz mondae!!! ^_^...miss u so mucie candii n anna!! Waitin for u to call candii...lol...u gottah tell meh wat happened...anna, bettah cum on msn soon. So hot in hk...feel srry for u guyz...lol...newaiz...g2g...luv y'all S2

fridae+july 2+7:15p.m

Waiwai...supp?? Mehmeh nuttin much la...had volunteer meetin dis mornin...Anthony waz dere too...haha...ugh it feelz so weird to b home for dinner on fridae!!!...i dun't noe wen da last tyme i stayed home for dinner on fridae waz...more den a year ago for shur...had chineze skool durin da year and ate dinner afterwardz...i want a iced cap rite now...waitin for mom to cum home...told her to get meh an iced cap..: )...bbq tomorrow...mom registered for trip to maritimez in aug ^__^..yesh!!!...goin on a tripppp....lol...for a week...i wanted to go sumwhere else buh da maritimez iz bettah den nuttin...actualli it'z da martimez plus quebec and minus nfl. and lab....haha...goin to chicago next fridae!!!...exactly one week left...YESH...mom'z bac!!...g2g..biz!! <3

saturdae+july 3+12:48 p.m

Guess, Billabong, Abercrombie & Fitch, Aeropstale, Roxy, Triple 5 Soul....omg i'm sooo obcessed!!!....i want dere clothez!!...can't afford dem all tho...and most of dem r US brandz...stupey stupey...y can't dey b in Canada?!?!...been on da internet lookin for clothes and logos frum dem and puttin dem on my dp on msn...^_^...luv dem...: )...buh stupey msn...it cut my guess bag, logo, a&b and aeropostale logo!!!...soooo stupey...jus luv dat word =P...newaiz...hvin bbq tonite...famili out pickin strawberriez rite now...didn't wanna go...too hot, bugz, prickly, dirty, tiring, borin...lol...ya...newaiz...gonna go...