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Baby Facts

Little Landon

Birth Weights

Did You Know?

~Their 1st baby food was sweet potatoes

~Landon was 2 1/2 months old when he came home from the hospital.

~They are currently wearing 12 months clothing.

~When Landon came home from the hospital he only weighed 3lbs. 14 oz.

~John was the 1st baby to have a fever. It was lowgrade and after his 4 mo. shots.

~Landon recieved 4 blood transfusions, John had 2, and Jackie had 1.

~Jackie was the first one to wear clothes.

~Landon was the only baby that needed phototherapy for jaundice.

~Sleeping through the night at 5 months

~All three are currently eating the same amount...8oz. per feeding.

John was the 1st to roll from back to tummy.

Our photo album
In Memory of Dalia
Raising Triplets 101
