Our home built arcade style DDR pad

Here's the finished product. I'm very pleased with it. But does it work?!?

I think so... Sorry about the big light in the center... Stupid flash ^_^ While it's not the hardest song to AA, it was a spur of the moment. I just told my friend to get a double A, at the very end of the day and he did so I took a picture of it and left. No ghost steps at all!

Unlike many home pads I've seen built, we didn't put screws through the top of the brackets. Our lucite was snug enough that it didn't need it. Plus we didn't want to run the risk of the lucite cracking trying to pre-drill the holes. We had to print out the arrow graphic onto two pieces of paper, instead of going to Kinkos.
I'd like to thank ddrhomepad for his instructions. All in all, with the discounts my parents gave us the project ended up being somewhere around $120. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be really. This pad was actually for a friend of mine. We built it together in a span of about a week. It took roughly 15 hours to build.
Now to get the materials for mine!