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This kingdom is very important and is the sixth and very last kingdom.Most species are multicellular and are eukaryotic. They are hetertrophic and most of them their bodies are symmetrical and in an arrangement so that they can more freely and easily.

The three phyla:

1.Porifera- this phyla is also know as the sponges. These are multicellular animals that spend all their lives holding onto a rock in the bottom of the ocean. Most live in salt water but there are a few that live in fresh water.

2.Mollusca- this phyla contain mullusk species. Their bodies are soft and they have bilateral symmetry. They havea an anterior head and a ventral muscular foot for movement.These are divided into five catigories: Class one Amphineura (chitons); Class two Scaphopoda (tooth shells); Class three Gastropoda (univalve mollusks including snails & limpets); Class four Pelecypoda (bivalve mollusks); and Class five Cephalopoda (octopus & squid).

3. Nematoda- also known as Nematodes. These are worms also called round or three headed worms.These worms cause disease in humans like the hook worm. These can be very dangerous to your health and you don't want to get them.

Here is an Example:

Dipylidium caninum- this is a tapeworm and these are most famousl known to be in a dog and in humans. You get these by swallowing eggs directly and the they move into your body. It move not only into your muscle but into your heart, brain, and other very important organs. These are carried inside of fleas and lice and are very dangerous to your health.







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