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Phantom Princess of Wales theater: May 19 2007

To see the Phantom again in Toronto was a wonder to behold. The Princess of Wales is Toronto’s youngest theater, but still one of her most beautiful. They has video monitors playing the Phantom commercial, and odd snippets of the show. Also three Phantom stores were open and well stocked. Some new items such as the newest souvenir program and a new style of the Prima Donna tee were in sale.

As to the actors, they were extremely good and more dynamic than usual. One reason may well be the newer American style of the show. Meaning no fake British accents and nobody going for the original cast sound. This was wonderful in that it makes the show entirely new.

John Cudia as the Phantom was perfect. A beautiful voice, and brains enough to use a proper Italian accent on Don Juan. His Music of the Night was excellent, as was his Phantom of the Opera. John’s Phantom is a little more aggressive and less given to draping himself against the backdrops (sorry ladies). Seeing him throw the dressing doll offstage was pure joy. He can be sweet as well, so a deligtful fullness of character is reached.

Marni Raab as Christine did an excellent job. She too took the fresh American approach so her voice was much stronger and fresh than many other Christine’s She also has a strong adult sense to her. Her Christine is not one to mince around and wait for the calvary to show up. You almost expect her to start slapping Carlotta around at one point.

For the minor characters John Kuether as Don Attiliio did an excellent job with the long note in il muto. Toronto fans will remember this as being a key to the show’s uniqueness at Pantages. For those who don’t, think of the word ‘her’ being held until it sounds like actual opera might be on stage.

A special note of thanks to the delightful and very friendly staff. I was permitted to take as many pictures as I wanted outside of the auditorium. I was also given the permission to scoop up oodles of Programme copies many people simply left behind.

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