Although they run the gamut from comedic to tragic the following Google gems are free for the taking. Please contact me if your video appears and was posted to Google video without your consent. Also following the family guidelines of this site some artists names have been shortened to initials.
Knight Kills Phantom 43 seconds. The knight kills the Phantom in front of the TV. Horrors But the ending with the giggling fits is a nice touch.
David Pedersen Special Report- The Phantom Lives 7 minutes. When a reporter discovers and ‘rehabs’ a local Phantom the results are devilishly funny. Think of Erik haunting the Animal House crew. Adult humor and language.
Phantom of the Opera 12 minutes 3 seconds. 1989. Santa Clara Vangard A lush, well-filmed performance of Andrew Llyod Webber’s hit musical filled with dance, formations, and superb playing.
My Trip to NYC Wonderful montage of the sights of New York City. Icluded are some Phantom-themed pictures and the show is set to Masqurade.
Phantom Penguin 13 minutes 45 seconds. Despite the odd title this gem has a wonderfully violent Phantom. Plenty of down and dirty fighting and good camera effects.
Phantom of the Variety Show Can the show’s director and cast stop the Phantom? Download and find out.
Opera Granier ceilings 58 seconds. Enjoy the view of the Phantom’s literary abode.
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