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The Phantom Crafter II

Ice Mask Reverse Image Masks Ice Mask

Ever wanted to dress up in a Phantom fashion without spending a lot of money? Tired of scouring garden centers for the perfect Phantom accessory? Then look no further. Your inspiration starts here.

Tea Light
Mask Tea Light Lamp
You’ll need
tea light lamp
sticker paper

Clean the tea light lamp, let dry. Print desired image and stick on lamp shade.

Phantom letter box
You’ll need
craft mail box
3d foam stickers
silver paint pen

Cut and paste images onto box, let dry. Use silver paint pen to highlight desired areas. After this step dries affix 3d foam stickers.

Phantom Santa
You’ll need
25 black beads
36 white beads
57 red beads
8 pink beads

Following the basic pattern for any santa beadie, bead the Phantom santa. Be careful to follow the instructions for the feet and arms properly.

Phantom Champagne candle
champagne candle
sticker sheet

Print and affix the image to the champagne candle.

Cube Photo Cube
You’ll need
wax cube candle
6 images
sticker paper

After selecting and printing your 6 images, cut to fit and affix to cube.

Creepy Phantom Swinger You’ll need:
one wooden swinging figure
black paint
gold paint pen
white paint
red paint
black fabric
shellac or waterproof sealer

I recommend finding your swinging figure at a flea market or garage sale for a reasonable price. The figure shown here was already painted, so 7 coats of black went over as the base coat. Then the cuff, pant lines and other highlights were done in white or gold. You may need red to mix with white for hands or other features. Lastly a remnant of cloth was tied into a cape. You can finish with shellac or waterproof finish for outdoor durability.

Phantom Voodoo Hanger
You’ll need:
one plastic skull treat holder
red pony beads
glue or tape
red feather

First put a hole in the bottom of the skull using the screwdriver. After cutting a piece of twine put a pony bead on one end and knot in place. This will hold the body to the skull when hanging. Use the pencil to thread the free end of the twine through your hole. Be careful not to widen the hole too much. Next put the red beads on, tying the last one securely with a good knot. The arms are formed by running hemp through a body bead then knotting and beading it. Do the same process for the legs. For the finishing touch glue or tape a red feather to the top of the skull.

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