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Adults Only! Phantom Films


Yes even Phantom has been made into a number of adult films. While these are hardly gems of cinema, for truly rabid collectors here be a few below. Thanks to Old Phan for some of the yummy photos below.


Phantom Phantom X 1989 Makes an attempt at a story line, more or less.

Phantom Phantom Lover1997 Phantom lover was, erm, interesting. The main thing is that they rip off the lines from the ALW musical. But the 'Phantom' is just an amorous director trapped there to chase anything that moves. No mask or anything. He is kind of ugly though. The girls are ugly too which is a bad thing. You might still enjoy it, but be warned, this is the worst acting in a film ever. But the DVD lets you jump to a scene.

PhantomPhantom1998 Um, unless you really desperately need to complete your film collection, don’t buy this.

PhantomPhantom of the O****M I swear to God it is the wierdest film ever. A very male Phantom with a tenor singing voice turns into a woman when he disrobes. He's in the film, he just turns into a girl when he disrobes. Also, have you ever seen a film where the can do everything else but kiss each other? It was like being hit with cold water, considering how in love they were supposed to be.

Phantom 2007 Phantom of L**T Several young men stop at a haunted mansion for the night. The Phantom is the first of several randy male spirits to greet them. Not bad. Even attempts a story line of sorts.

Phantom Phantom 2007 More than one amorous Phantom roams this house. Very funny in parts, and not bad, though English dubs would have helped. Yes, there is a lot of dialogue in this film.

Phantom Phantom of the Opera Tickling ???? Tickle Assignment Our lady has so much fun she keels over. Cute Phantom.


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