All the Phantom objects pictured on this site are the property of Nightcat as are the photos of the said objects unless otherwise noted. However, all creative and name ownership rights to the books, videos, music, covers, images, and other items are the sole rights of the publisher of the said material. These objects are only shown here to help the average fan know precisely which item is being discussed in various entries, as multiple versions of many products are in existence. Nightcat makes no claims to the creative rights of these works, and fully acknowledges the many talented people who worked hard to bring these products to fruition.
This site is a nonprofit site; the sole aim of which is to promote a better understanding of the many types of film, literary, and other venue appearances of the Phantom of the Opera. Nightcat does not sell or endorse the selling of any of the products in this site. The products are shown mainly for clarity’s sake, and Nightcat makes no claim whatsoever for being the ultimate judge on the said products. Furthermore, such sellers or Internet sites of trade as may or may not be listed are in no way affiliated with Nightcat, nor does Nightcat make any guarantees for those purchasing from any seller anywhere. This site is in no way affiliated with any official site, the Really Useful Group, Universal Studios, or any of the other bodies whose products are listed herein.
Intro-Written content by Nightcat. Coding on header, text body, and links by Nightcat. Coding on rose image and forum, guest book, and all data following these items by Nightcat.
Phantom Shopping Tips- Credit card and cash register Art files courtesy of #1 Free Clip Art.
A Letter to Erik- All Art files from #1 Art Clips.
Claude Rains- All Art files courtesy of Meredy's Sublime Claude Rains Page.
About Meow-self- Black cat photos property of Angelfire. Rampant Cat Gif from #1 Free Clip Art.
PAS- Modern logos coutesy of Angelofmusic4evr.
Nightcat's Phantom Jukebox- All orginal lyrics and music are the property of the originaotrs. Nightcat makes no claims to any original music or lyric rights, nor any claims of WAV file fabrication.
Nightcat's Haunted Opera House-- All photo rights belong to the creators of the projects and items shown.
All other photos are by and the exclusive property of Nightcat.
All written contents are the original work and property of Nightcat.
Internet Fair-Use Act In response to the Internet Fair-Use Act visitors are allowed to copy all photos for non-profit use. Ex. You Tube videos, web sites, personal use. Please remember to give credit where credit is due.
A special thanks goes out to The Phantom of Phantom's Forum for her gracious permission to feature her video covers. Special thanks to Skycron for supporting me in my CSS quest, and everything else he has done. Thanks also to O.G. for all his constructive criticism, and to Christine Daae for presenting me with my fist site award. I am indebted forever to Riene for breathing life back into this site, and her tireless encouragement. A hearty thank you also goes out to Annie for presenting me with my third site award. A merci beaucoup goes out to Angelofmusic4evr for her generous donation of her sleek PAS logos. An eternal heartful of thanks to Magickat may the Goddesses Bless you! A happy boquet of thanks to Cool Archive for the beautiful Manuscript font used on this site. Thanks to the cool dudes at CodeBrain for the awesome fireworks applet. Most deeply-felt thanks go to VoodooMama for her advice on Baron Samedi. A most awesome amount of thanks to Haunted Props dot com for posting such amazing handmade props that breathed just the right stench of horror into the haunted opera house. Thanks so much to each and every one of you. You are the support and friendship that I wouldn't be here without.
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