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Other Pantomish Romps

Rose Webber Cover Rose
img I promised myself this section would never appear. But I held out for the better part of a decade, so there. These romps range in the sources they pull from, but all have a strong Phantom theme. img

House of Ecstacy 1938 Farley, Ralph Milne Did you know you can write sexy stories without getting graphic? Here the dwafen, misshapen, ghoulish dude is a dead match for the mesmerist Erik was based on. He can throw his voice via mikes, plays with mirrors, and is a pervert who likes to watch. He really, really enjoys watching. But it is all delivered in such subtle language he is almost cute.

Night Magic Charolette Van Allen Yes, the age difference would no doubt make this book dang near illegal now. But that’s why it works. Who else but a barely teen Marisa would match the reclusive and downright somber Erik? She’s a ditz, but one who turns this novel into a romp through sex scenes. Oh yeah, heavy Phantom ala Webber emphasis.

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