If you are like me, you love to shop. When the item in question has to do with the Phantom, so much the better. But in the modern world it is all too easy for new and experienced collectors to get themselves into serious trouble. Overspending is a serious problem for many collectors, as is a lack of knowledge about the items they are collecting. But there are ways to collect Phantom of the Opera items and not break the budget or get you into a tight spot. The following guidelines should help you enjoy collecting and start your search for more Phantom collectibles.
Many electronic bidding sites such as Ebay have legally binding contracts that you agree to when you place a bid. That means that once you place a bid and win you have a legal obligation to buy the item you bid on. While it is highly unlikely any seller will ever haul you into court over a bad bid, it can affect your overall rating in that bidding site. The next time you place a bid, the seller may have the right to remove your bid depending on site policies.
There are two types of markets, primary and secondary. A primary market is any store that receives an item directly from the manufacturer and sells it at retail prices. Malls and mail order catalogs are two examples of primary markets. The benefit from buying from a primary market is there is a set price for items and the condition is perfect. Secondary markets are sellers who have pre-owned items. Flea markets and antique dealers are secondary market dealers, so are the merchants that sell collectibles and many dealer in online markets. The good thing about buying from a secondary market dealer is the wide selection; the down side is that such items are usually more expensive than retail prices.
Set up a budget for yourself. You are not going to enjoy collecting Phantom items if you have to take out loans to do it. The best thing to do is set up a realistic monthly budget based on how much you can spend. If you want a more expensive item, you can always save for several months and the purchase it without worrying about how you will pay your other expenses.
Be realistic in your collecting goals. Realize that you can’t own every Phantom related item. There are thousands of items out there, and more are coming out every day. Many collectors tend to focus on a specific group of items such as posters; collectible mementos form the shows, music, or figurines.
When shopping online, be sure to check the prices of several dealers before buying an item. Take advantage of seller ratings and read a prospective seller’s feedback both good and bad. If you have a bad feeling about an item or dealer, move on.
Calculate in shipping costs before you buy online or from a catalog. An item that sounds relatively cheap may have shipping costs higher than the item price. Shipping costs are based on weight, but can include extras such as handling charges, express delivery, and insurance. Overseas shipping is even more expensive, and money order items end up costing more than your initial bill. Make sure you understand the costs before you bid or buy an item online.
Learn as much as you can about the Phantom collectibles you enjoy. Try visiting the official homepages of the manufacturer to learn more about the item and company. For example, if you collect musical Phantom of the Opera ornaments, you might want to visit the manufacturer’s website to learn about stores near you and which ornaments are available in those store. Sometimes companies have retail stores of their own and the official website is a good place to find out about them.
Collect what you enjoy. There is no rule that says you must own X amount of Phantom collectibles to be a true collector. Try searching the Internet for fan site that include a collectibles section. Many will be happy to speak to you about their collections, and may be able to give you tips on good places to buy items. You can also check out forums on the Phantom of the Opera to speak to other collectors.
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