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As a special way of saying thanks to all the wonderful people who have kept this webpage active through repeated visits, I'm giving my visitors a chance to participate in a new and exciting way. This page is the host for Phantom poetry, photographs and art, by the fans and for the fans. The only rules are that the work submitted must be your own and Phantom related. Please do not submit copyrighted or explicit materials, but other than that, the sky is the limit. You can simply post your photos or artwork in the forum under the art thread and I will post them here.

img Erik, Where Arte Thou?
A poem by MADMAD

Where for arte thou, le Phantom?
Why must thou close thyself from me?
True, I’m not as fair as she.
True, my voice is not as sweet and free.
True, I am ages apart from thee
But it matters not!
My heart is as pure as gold.
My mind has a thirst for secrets yet untold.
And, to thee, my soul is sold.
In exchange for the love and music thou dost hold.
Past the Point of No Return.
The sensuality making my heart burn.
Thy love is now the prize, which I must earn.
What is this?
Why dost thou turn?
Why dost thou raise thy hand to thy eyes?
What is this?
Thou cries?
Le Erik I know only cries,
When a loving voice answers his sighs.
Thou takest my hands in a soft caress, I see.
Thou kneels down and whispers to me.
I am good. *
I am bad.
I am ugly.
I am beautiful.
I am wicked.
I am an angel.
Thou places thy lips upon mine.
I now know I am truly thine!

* I am saying what Erik said to me about myself.


Read Death Costume by Phantom
Red Death Costume by Phantom


Erik's Death by O.G.
Erik's Death by O.G.

Erik in Writing by O.G.
Erik in Writing by O.G.

Rains by Phantom
Rains by Phantom

The Ring by Fantomette
The Ring by Fantomette


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