All collectors have seen them, those beautiful virtual warehouses of information. Sites that have item upon item listed in a staggering amount of product listings, but often just as terse verbiage and little more. Or perhaps you have seen a site with thousands of pictures from all over the Internet. You get no idea if the site owner likes or dislikes the product, or if he has ever seen it in person. While these sites are useful as buyer and research guides and show a great deal of dedication on the part of the person compiling the lists, this is not my mission.
My mission is to showcase those items I own and have gotten enjoyment from that I believe you will also enjoy. I’ve had a great many pleasant experiences while collecting Phantom of the Opera memorabilia, and I want to pass on that experience to you. I want you to leave this site with a sense of how I feel about the movies and books and with a feeling of kinship that comes only from collecting.
You will never see an item listed here I do not own for two reasons. One, I have no idea about the quality of the product if I’ve never taken it home and interacted with it. How can I be sure of a CD’s clarity if I haven’t heard it for myself? How can I honestly list an item if I haven’t researched and interacted with it? The answer to both questions is that I can’t.
Secondly, I don’t see the point in listing something I believe you can never find. I won’t list movies that disappeared before the advent of video, or items so expensive you’d need to take out a loan to afford them. I believe that collecting should be fun, stress-free, and affordable. Besides which, there are many fine sites that to their credit, list only high end collectibles.
As time passes, I will continue to bring you those products, movies and sites I feel are deserving of your attention. You’ll see some sections expand to cover newly released items and new categories will surely turn up from time to time. You’ll be offered a chance for direct input in polls, and the forum is always open to you. I want this to be a site you can come home to, a place where you feel your views are important, and your needs as a collector and Phantom fan are met.
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