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The Phantom Crafter

Ice Mask Reverse Image Masks Ice Mask img

Ever wanted to dress up in a Phantom fashion without spending a lot of money? Tired of scouring garden centers for the perfect Phantom accessory? Then look no further. Your inspiration starts here.


Phantom Blouse Phantom Blouse Using a black striped or plain work shirt, attach Phantom-themed buttons such as roses or masks. You may want to simply pin them in place as you really don’t want hard-to-find buttons being lost in the washer.

Phantom Handbag Phantom Handbag Using a safety pin attach a Phantom themed buttons and tassel to each side of an evening bag. Here I chose a black velvet bag and attached white masks and gold tassels.

Charm Bracelet Phantom Charm Bracelet You can find charms and bracelets in dollar stores, so you could even make several if you like. Simply chose a bracelet and pick the charms that have a Phantom meaning for you.

Cast Mask Phantom Garden Ornaments Use a thicker mask for this project, and one you are not in love with in case the unthinkable happens. First oil the mask inside lightly. I used motor oil on this project. Then mix cement or mortar according to package directions.

Make sure the mask is filled solidly with the mixture and smooth the top surface. Now place a board or box top on the filled mask and carefully flip it over. Take your time removing the mask as you don’t want to bump the cement or mortar when it is still fresh.

Allow the cast masks to dry completely before applying any paint to them. I chose a metallic white to finish off the cast masks. Do not paint the bottom of any cement piece you make. Doing so traps in moisture and will destroy any project in harsh winter areas.

I’d even suggest bringing these in for the winter to prolong the life of your finished project. You could also use them indoors as paperweights or wall accents. Just remember to wash your mold, mixing container and tools before the cement bonds to them.

Ice Mask Ice Mask This one is simple. Tape off the eyehole and nostrils of a clean craft mask. Fill with colored water or snow and then freeze. This makes the perfect wintertime yard accessory.

phan tower Phantom Tower Any collection looks better when organized all in one place. Choose any freestanding shelving unit of your liking, making sure it is large enough for your collection. Arrange items as you please, making sure heavier objects go on the lower shelves. Consider wall-mounted shelving for added safety if you have small children.

Phantom Table A glass topped table with special mementos is always beautiful and very easy to make. Using any size table choose a skirt of any solid color for the background. Place your photos, flyers, ticket stubs, or any other flat Phantom memorabilia on the table top and cover with the glass top.

Phantom Curtain Topper Starting with your existing curtains, affix a mask in the center of the outermost rod using fishing line. This looks great with swags or other fancy curtain arrangements.

phan tower
Phantom message in a bottle
You’ll need:
clear botlle
black glue
mask template
blow pen
black ribbon
paper cut to fit

First remove any labels and clean the bottle completely. Let dry. Then you can wet your template and affix to the bottle. Use the blow pen to get a good outline of the template. Once ink is dy, start to apply the glue. Be careful to mind your blank spaces and leave the back open. After this step dries roll the desired paper tightly and add the black ribbon. Place in bottle and you’re done.

Phantom Mirror
Phantom Mirror
You:ll need:
sticker paper

This one is fairly easy. After cleaning the mirror print the images you have chosen on sticker paper. I also used photo paper for the bottom image.


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