The chapter where Erik has Christine dine in his house still remains one of my favorite parts of the novel. So inspired, I has fiddled about with some Phantom-themed foods for you to try at home.
Chocolate Scorpion
2 packets instant hot chocolate mix
8 oz hot water
a pinch of chili powder
milk to taste
Use a nice big mug for this drink. Mix the hot chocolate powder and chili powder, and then add the hot water. Add milk to taste. This drink is extremely decadent and should leave you with an overall feeling of warmth.
Chocolate mask Start by washing and drying the mask to be used as your mold. Do not use a high quality mask for this. Go to the craft store and buy one. Depending on the type of mask you use, you may have to tape shut the eyeholes or nostrils.
Melt baker's chocolate according to the package directions. I prefer to use a microwave-safe freezer bag and then knead the bag to mix the chocolate once it is heated. Carefully pour the chocolate into the mold then tap the mask gently to remove air bubbles.
Pop the mask into the refrigerator until the chocolate is hard. Don’t rush this step; leave it overnight if you are unsure. You may find that the tape has stuck to the chocolate, but other than that it should come out easily.
Chocolate rose lollipop Follow the same steps as above, just use the proper mold and insert the stick into the chocolate before it hardens.
Meg’s Peanut Brittle
2 cups sugar
2 cups peanuts
non-stick spray
To prep, coat your cooling pan and pot with non-stick spray. You may want to coat your spatula too. Melt the sugar in a large pot over medium heat. Stir in the peanuts when the sugar is melted, then immediately pour the mixture into a pan to cool. When cooled break into pieces. Yield: roughly three gift-sized servings.
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