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The Phantom of the Rockwood Opera?

Stage Cast Stage img

American phantoms are curious beasts. You are far more likely to find one at the mall or local theme park so it is a pleasant surprise to find one at the Opera. Even better when the Opera in question is the Rockwood, and the evening features a feast for both the eyes and palate.

The musical comedy in question concerns the attempts of the Rockwood Opera players to put on a successful show. But this is easier said than done, with famous divas dropping in to demand lead roles, and a Phantom running rampant.

The Rockwood Phantom is cantankerous, imperious and a true ghost. Long ago the victim of a grain mill accident, his vengeful spirit has ousted all comers. In this you see the brilliant use of faction by local writer Buster Maxwell who deftly weaves the Rockwood’s true past and fictional present.

In the midst of this, as if that weren’t enough, is one of the most gracious and hardest-working troupes of actors you will ever see. They manage to fill the stage with life and action despite having less than ten people in the entire cast. Danny Conner shines as the gruff Gramps Tidwell, and Mike Prokop provides a lovely foil to his character in the role of the self-adoring mailman Melvin Melmann. Master Sergeant to you.

Mike Beech plays Jimmy Nerdowski the theatre’s electronic whiz who falls in love with Gramps’ granddaughter, Jennifer Gilmore. This role, as played by Veronica T. Tidewell works very well as the love interest for Nerdowski. Deb Hoover rounds out the cast as opera superstar Miss Arlene Arpeggio.

Every musical number was performed to perfection, the costuming was excellent, and the special effects flawless. As for the Phantom, the less done to attract his attention the better. If you ever do find yourself at the Rockwood remember to be very quiet indeed, lest you stir the Phantom’s wrath.

Framed poster
Framed poster in upper hall.
Stage before show
Shabby chic for the dinner hour.
Cast and owner
Cast and Rockwood owner post show.

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