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The Token


It has finally happened. You’ve arrived at L’Opera Grainer by the Phantom’s request. Emotions dance in your heart and you feel faint. What if he doesn’t like me? You wonder. What can I possibly do to impress him? You haven’t time to find the answers for suddenly a dark figure looms before you.

It is the Phantom himself! He gestures for you to follow, and you are whisked through a maze of labyrinths until you reach the Phantom’s lair. His home is everything you’d thought it would be and more. Candlelight and unearthly music surround you. Opulence pours from the rugs and paintings, the beautiful organ that dominates one wall.

As a good host he leads you to the guest suite Christine once graced. Would you be so kind as to ready yourself for dinner? You feel your knees weaken as the door closes behind him. Dinner! How could anyone possibly manage to eat before him is a mystery. You feel as Christine must have felt her first night here; both delighted and afraid. But a reassuring bouquet of blood-red roses in a cut crystal vase has been set out for you. So has all you need to prepare.

The dinner is exquisite. All the finest foods you’ve always enjoyed, and many you’ve longed to try. You didn’t even have to ask for your accustomed beverage with the dinner, he simply knew. The Phantom bade you to call him Erik as you were seated, and he told you wondrous stories of his travels and accomplishments.

You talk far into the night, Erik astounding you in his personal interest in you. After a time, he smiles and answers your unasked question. “Without those who love and care for me, those who truly understand me, I would die. I exist only as long as love fills those hearts that have found something in me, for I too find something in them. If it were not for each one everywhere and in all time, I could not go on.”

Love of the highest order fairly shines in his eyes and understanding does too. He presses a token of esteem into your hands, a perfect replica of his own mask. All too soon you are above ground again, looking back a final time. You’ll never forget this evening with him and he will never forget you.


Nightcat's Phantom Fiction
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