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How Cat and Phantom Met


Once, hundreds of years before you were born, the Cat was prowling Paris in cat form. What a delightful city; sewer rats, food just lying in the street, fresh bodies in back alleys, but I digress. I was wondering one such alley when I heard a strange scuffling ahead.

Prowling forward, I saw two human males trying to throttle one another. What fun! I wondered closer for a better look.

“Go away, kitty. You might get hurt.” The man gasping this was rather thing and wearing some kind of pasted-on nose. I purred happily. I adore good manners. I looked to the second man, a large sweaty thing for more praise and got a sharp kick for my troubles.

“Get away from me you filthy animal!” He roared. Well! Some people. Enraged I turned to werecat form and grasped the fat pig by the throat, easily shattering his windpipe. Still angry, I turned tail lashing and claws aching for blood on the masked man.

Crack! Before I could stop him he gave me a sharp rap on the nose.

“Bad kitty! You shouldn’t kill people.” He scolded.

“Like you’ve got room to talk. What were you trying to kill him for anyhow?” I asked, rubbing my poor hurting nose.

“He annoyed me.” At this I broke into laughter. Not only was this human unafraid, he also killed for the slightest annoyance. Delightful! Ever since the cat and Phantom (as he turned out to be) have been fast friends.

Not that either one of us ego maniacs will share territory, or the spotlight, but we haven’t tried to kill each other in decades. Heck, if that isn’t friendship I don’t know what is.

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