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undefined Harry Houdini WebQuest


Your task will be to create a Bio-Poem using the links in this WebQuest. A Bio-Poem is a Poem or Riddle that includes information about the person, in this case Harry Houdini, but never mentions the persons' name. The Bio-Poem should include things like importannt dates, inspiration, etc.


  1. Begin gathering information using the links on this site
  2. Create a basic outline for your poem
  3. Make a Rough Draft
  4. Edit Rough Draft
  5. Create Final Copy
  6. Present to Friend or Class to see if the can figure it out


Use this rubric to evaluate your Bio-Poem


In conclusion, this WebQuest should have taught you about one the most amazing men of the 20th century. A man who took risks, lived life to the fullest. I encourage you to further your knowledge of Harry Houdini, and all other men.