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Greenup Assembly #28 International Order of the Rainbow for Girls

Hello, and Welcome. Greenup Assembly would like to share with you their rainbow experiences, therefore we have created this web site. We want to share with people all over the world, the great teachings of Rainbow, and how it has affected many of us. We also want to share with the different Assembly's across the country what we consider our way of doing things. We have several different pages that you may view, our Officers page, What is Rainbow page, a page in honor of our Worthy Advisor, and much more. We hope that you are able to check out all of our website, and enjoy. Our sites are constantly under construction so if you have any suggestions or new ideas let us know. Thanks!

What is Rainbow?

Officers and Members

Worthy Advisor's Page

Upcoming Events


Email us at!

This Publication acknowledges allegiance to the Supreme Assembly International Order of the Rainbow for Grils whose seat of authority is in McAlester, Oklahoma of which the Rev. Mark Sexson was the founder and Mrs. Marjorie Wilson is the Supreme Worthy Advisor, and the Grand Jurisdiction of Kentucky of which, Mrs. Anne P. Dukes, is Supreme Inspector.