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undefined Central Garage Truck Wrecks and Accidents Page.

Central Garage Photo Gallery

This Website is dedicated to the memory of Donald John MacInnes

NEW: I am sharing the link to American Consumer Opinion 'cos I want all my visitors to have the chance to earn $10 a questionaire. It's simple, it's safe and I have earned $40 so far answering a few simple questions.

Introduction by George MacInnes

I would just like to point out that no-one was seriously injured in any of the accidents shown on any of these pages. 

Although the Central Garage no longer exists in name (it is now part of Morar Motors), I have kept the site running in memory of my Dad. People in Kyle still refer to it as "The Central" and it still has the same staff. The Scammel Explorer has been retired, but I can give enthusiasts wishing to view her the contact of it's new owner. The Central Garage is located in Kyle of Lochalsh, in the North-West of Scotland, in an area known as Skye and Lochalsh, and was serving the local community for nearly 50 years before it was sold to Morar Motors of Mallaig.

The Photographs
(with narrative)

The New Photographs
(Always under construction)
Photo of the Month
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For those who might like to visit this area, and want to know more then why not try the Lochalsh Web Site.
My ICQ number is 70532043. Give me a shout if you want to know more about the pictures
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