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Interlingua Quotidian:
Un Curso In-linea


Le Familia

x Virginia (Taylor) Bates
+Joseph Bates
x l-------\x
Ellen (Dalton)Bates
+Peter Bates
Elizbeth (Bates)Jones
+Tom Jones
Helen Jones
Joan Bates
Betty (Collins) Jones
(soror affin)
+ Jack Jones
Jane (Jones) Carter
+Tom Carter
(fratre affin)
Mary (Jones) Smith
+Bob Smith
Jimmy Lee Jones
Peg Carter
Sally Ann Smith
Tim Smith

1. Look at the chart above, and fill in the blanks in the following paragraph.
Bon Die. Io so Mary Smith. Vos pote vider un carta geneologic (family tree) de mi familia.. Mi marito es (a)______________. Nos habe duo infantes; un fila, (b)__________, e un filio, (c)______________. Mi frater Jack es le marito de (d)__________. Illes ha un filio. Ille es mi nepote unic. Ille se appella (e)___________.Mi oncle e amita le plus favorite son Peter e su marita (f)______. Illes ha solmente un filia; mi cozina, (g)_____. Durante le festas del Navitate(Christmas), Bob, le infantes, e io incontra mi parentes (h)_________ e (i)___________ al casa de mi matre. Grandmatre (j)_________ e Grandpatre (k)_______ servi cena(dinner) al tote familia e postea, nos excambia donas. Il es sympatic.

2. Es tu marite? Si SI, que es le nomine de tu marito/marita?
3. Habe vos infantes? Si SI, quante infantes habe vos?
4. Quante fratres e sorores ha tu e que son lor nomines?
5. Que son le nomines de tu parentes?
6. Que son le nomines de tu grandparentes?
7. Esque tu ha neptos o neptas? Que son lor nomines?
8. Qui es/ era tu amita o oncle le plus favorite?

Le Alimentos

Cobbler de Persicas
1/4 tassa de sucro
1/4 cs de vanilla
1/2 tassa butyro
1 tassa de farina
1 cs de sal
1 ct de levitura in pulvere
1/2 tassa de lacte
1 tassa de sucro
1 latta de fructo

Pre-caleface le furno a 350 grados fahrenheit.
Funde le butyro e versa lo a in un platto de marmita.
Misce le farina, le sal, le bicarbonate de soda,
1/4 tassa de sucro, le vanilla, e le lacte.
Prende con un coclear a in le butyro.
Misce le fructo e le sucro.
Prende con un coclear super le pasta.
Coce pro 35 minutas in le furno.

1. How much flour do you need for this cobbler?
2. How much milk do you need?
3. How long do you bake the cobbler?
4. What did you have for breakfast this morning?
5. What did you have for lunch yesterday?
6. What foods would be in your most favorite meal?
7. Share a recipe with a friend. Tell me how to make a simple food you like.

Interlingua Grammar
From an English Point of View

Verbs: Participles

Present Participle
The verb participles are formed as follows.
For the present participle (the -ing form) add -nte to the present. For verbs ending in -i add ente. The verb is now an adjective. Use it like one. Remember -er verbs use -ente and -ir verbs use -iente.

Parlar parlante
le homine parlante the man speaking
Vider vidente
le homine vidente the man seeing
Audir audiente
le homine audiente the man hearing

Le homine parlante es un homine importante.
The man speaking is a important man.

Past Participle
For the past participle (the -ed form) of a verb add -te to the present tense. If the present tense ends in -e, change the -e to -i before the -te. Remember both -er and -ir verbs use -ite. This verb form can be used as an adjective or it can be used to make complex past tenses or the passive voice.

Parlar parlate
le parola parlate the spoken word
Vider vidite
le homine vidite the man seen
Audir audite
le sono audite the man heard

Le homine vidite in le pictura es John Smith.
The man seen in the picture is John Smith.

Give the present and past participles for the following verbs.
1. cognoscer
2. vivir
3. jocar
4. vender
5. sortir
6. lavar

Verbs: Compound Past
Complex past tenses are formed just like in English.

have done ha facite
had done habeva facite
will have done habera facite

Io te ha vidite.
I have seen you.

Le femina habeva facite le repasto.
The woman had made the meal.

Deman, ille habera arrivate a Roma.
Tomorrow, he will have arrived in Rome.

Verbs: Passive Voice
In English we use the passive voice quite often. The passive voice is when the subject receives the action as in I am heard, it is said. In Interlingua, you should avoid using the passive voice because the Romance languages never use it. Some tricks to by pass the passive voice are...
1. use on (one) as the subject
I am heard on me dice
it is said on lo dice
2. place the reflexive pronoun (me, te, se, nos, vos, los) before the verb.
I am heard
io me dice
it is said il se dice
3. rephrase the sentence

Que hora es il?
What time is it? You tell time in Interlingua much like you do in English. Instead of saying o'clock in Interlingua, you just say the number and hour. One o'clock = le un. Two twenty = duo horas e vinti minutas.
You can say either hours.
12:15 = le dece-duo e cinque minutas.

You can use "quarter" and "half".
12:15 = dece-duo horas e un quarte.

3:30 = tres horas e medie = tres horas e trenta minutas

Answer the question "Que hora es il?" using the numbers below.
1. 11:30
2. 5:45
3. 2:26
4. 6:50
5. 10:35
6. 7:20
7. 9:15
8. 3:08
9. 8:59
10. 12:01

Prepositions and Adverbs of Time

Le Calendario

Dominica Lunedi Martedi Mercuridi Jovedi Venerdi Sabato
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31

Write out your answers. Then, copy and paste them in an e-mail to Paul.

Look at the calendar below. What is the date for the following...
1. the first Monday.
2. the last day.
3. the third Wednesday.
4. the last Saturday.
5. the second Thursday.
6. the forth Tuesday.

What is the Interlingua name for the day of the week that these dates fall on?
1. 11/5/98
2. 11/13/98
3. 11/16/98
4. 11/22/98
5. 11/30/98

What is today's day and date?

1. What is the current time at your home?

2. If today is 11/10/98 (Nov. 10,98) , what was last Friday?
3. If today is 11/10/98 (Nov. 10,98) , what was next Saturday?
4. If today is 11/10/98 (Nov. 10,98) , what was next Tuesday?


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