Work Sheets for Christmas Around the World
In Depth Search
In Depth Search
80 points
Tell about your country (20 points)
Include the following: 1-8 should be in report form. This should not sound as if you copied this from the encyclopedia. You must list where you got your information (bibliography)
- Size-square miles, miles across and length. Compare this to a state or states in the United States.
- Capital
- How is it ruled? (King, Queen, President etc…) Give the current ruler's name.
- Language or languages spoken there. Which one is the main one?
- What is the money called there? Compare how much of their money equals $1 in U.S.
- What is the average income of a family?
- What is the average temperature at Christmas time?
- You may add things that you feel are important to know about your country.
- Draw a map of the country. (This does not mean TRACE one from a book)
- Draw a map of the continent and where your country is on that continent.
- Draw or copy the flag. Try to get this as realistic as you can. This should show the true color of the flag.
Christmas Report (30 points)
How do you say "Merry Christmas in their country?
What is their Santa Claus called and what does he look like? You need to either write a very good description of him or find a picture of him.
What do traditionally good boys and girls get? Bad ones?
What is a traditional food that is eaten? Find a recipe for it. BONUS of 15 points if you make this food for the class to share during our Christmas Party.
What are some unique things about how Christmas is celebrated there?
Is there a tree? How is it decorated?
You will present your country to the class. You should make a poster (25 points) with the found information on it. You should also make an ornament (5 points) for our tree that represents your country.
Christmas Around the World
The Other Twenty Points
- Hanukkah. (10 points)- Explain who celebrates this. How is it different than Christmas? What are some traditional foods, presents and games? Report form.
- Write a Night Before Christmas (40 points) This should be based upon your country. Look at the examples "Texas Night before Christmas" and "Cowboy Night before Christmas". This will also be counted as a writing piece in Language Arts. Therefore this could also help a failing grade in that class. You could use this in your portfolio.
- Holiday Trivia Sheet (10 points) If all correct-10 points. 35-39 correct-9 points, 30-34-correct-8 points, 25-29-correct-7 points, 21-24-correct-6 points, 17-20 correct-5 points, 13-16 correct-4 points, 9-12 correct-3 points, 5-8 correct-2 points, 1-4 correct-1 point.
- Another "In Depth" search (80 points) for a country not on the list. See me before you start this for what country you may do.
- Make a poster (15 points). This should have how to say Merry Christmas on it for at least 15 countries. See me for complete details.
- Make a poster (15 points). This should have what Santa is called in all at least 15 countries. See me for complete details.
- Write a report about how Christmas is celebrated in the United States. (20 points) This must be typed and turned in by _______________________. We will use this to send to other countries (via email) those that have helped us with information. You should follow the guidelines for "In Depth" report.
- Your favorite Christmas memory and traditions. (10 points if you have it typed up and ready to go today--5 points if you have it ready by Friday.)
- Do the Christmas report for another country other than the one assigned to you. (30 points)
- Get your parent's signature. (3 points) So that your parents know what you have a chance to get your grade up before the nine weeks ends, get your parents to sign both this sheet and the "In Depth" sheet. This must be turned in tomorrow to get the points.
- Kwanzaa (10 points)- Explain who celebrates this. How is it different than Christmas? What are some traditional foods, presents and games? Report form.
All assignments (except if a date was given above) are due
Late work will not be accepted for any reason.