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Welcome to the Gargoyles Underground! To any established members of the fandom, you might know me as Jackson, or perhaps Bane von Talone, Gronk Wolftooth, or several other names. Point is, most of the self-proclaimed "higher-ups" of Gargoyles fandom hate me. So what's a loyal fan to do? Simple, actually. If they don't want you on their sites, build your own! The Gargoyles Underground is here for EVERYONE, not just a certain group (unlike SOME rooms I know of!) and isn't lorded over by some arrogant power mad dictator. It is an OPEN forum. The chat room is online, and I'll add new features as the need for them arises. As far as the chat room goes, almost anything goes. Roleplays, uncenscored discussion, etc. are all permitted. I only ask that you do not use racist or innappropriate remarks and that you do not harass other chatters. Enjoy your visit, and welcome to the Underground!


The Gargoyles Underground Chat Room