Heather's UK WILDCAT DEN!!
HI! My name is Heather! This is my cyber home, which gets updated when I have the time and inclination!Oh, well, I TRY! This update brought to you by: An email about my site that made me realize it needed a SEVERE update!!
*****NEW***** See "The Love of my Life" section on UK Baskeball- updated on 2-24-2001!!
ANYWAYS...I graduated from the awesome
I have a B.A. in Journalism and am currently contemplating a law career- who knows! I work at Great Lakes Higher Education and I love my co-workers! You gals rock!
Um, I am 23 years young and am a Scorpio(Nov. 16, if you really need to know!) If you wanna know a little more about me, well, I enjoy reading, writing, listening to music, watching and playing SPORTS, and sleeping when I can. I have a sad, sad addiction to the University of Kentucky Wildcats Men's Basketball Team. As I live in Columbus, OH, it makes it really *really* hard for me to watch games. So, I usually have to listen online. Right now, we have steadily improved to one of the HOTTEST teams in the nation. We are ranked in the Top 15 in the AP Poll and Tourney Frenzy is just around the corner!
I would like to give some love to my wonderful boyfriend, Rich, for always putting up with me, especially when the Cats are on tv! I am not the most pleasant person to be around when they happen to be down or lose and I DO love to scream at the tv! Thanks, sweetie!
Anyways...all I have to say is
UPDATED: February 24,2001-and who knows when I will get to it again!?!
Lookie, Lookie! Here come...LINKIES!
These people...*sniff* THEY LOVE ME!!
Stuff we say that we think was cool...at least at the time!
The love of my life...
My Alma Mater! On, OnU of K!
Here is a bad link to some of my pathetic attempts at literature.
Here is a link to help those of you in search of funds for school.
They itch, they scratch and we love em!
What I did for Scooby, the Great Dane in my life!