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Backstreet Boys video ideas

Enjoy your stay here. I think you will find these ideas great, that is if you like the BSB!


A girl is sitting on a bed holding a snow globe. She shakes globe and it goes into a scene where the girl and a guy are at a carnival and he wins a snowglobe for her. She shakes the globe and it show them yelling at each other. He makes a motion with with his hands like it was over. and then the scene changes. Its the girl again sitting next to the phone crying. It shows the guys phone and shows a close up of his face, who is laying on a bed crying. She takes the globe and walks out of the room. He gets up and puts on his jacket. They meet at the place where he won the globe. She tries to give it back to him but he wont take it back and they start to argue. The globe slips from her hands and breaks. She drops down to her knees to pick up pieces and he tries to help. Their hands touch and they look at each other.He wipes her face with his hand and kisses her. The end


The boys are in this club and Brian spots a girl on the floor. So he goes out and asks her. She says yes and they dance. He looks deep into her eyes and suddenly kisses her. The girl doesnt seem suprised, but happy about it. Then it changes to a scene with the guys dancing and singing on stage. Then it flashes back to a scene with Brian and the girl talking. She moves closer to him and he puts his chin on her head and holds her real close. It goes back to the scene with the guys dancing. When he says "Tonight, we'll find just what we have been looking for..." the scene doesnt change, Brian just is in front of the other boys dancing by himself.


It has a 60s theme to it. School has just let out and Nick comes out the schools door looking for a girl. He calls out to her but she just keeps walking. He catches up with her and follows her everywhere she went. In the chorus she goes into a diner. There Howie, Kevin, A.J. and Brian are singing. Nick just keeps following her. She sits down and Nick sits down right besides her. She orders something, and while shes drinking it he gets up on the table and sings. She decides its time to go. They go out and Nicky just keeps following. When they get to her house, she turns to Nicky looks at him sweetly and kisses him. He closes his eyes, and when he opens them he sees the door slam in front of him! Then he says "WELL THATS NOT NICE!!"


The video starts with a shot of the boys in a jeep in a desert. Kevin is driving, Nick in the passenger seat. The back has, in this order, Howie, A.J., & B-Rock. The dialoge is:
Nick:So where we going?
Kevin:I'm not for sure. They just told us to keep going till we get to a....
A.J.:(yelling)BRICK WALL!
Kevin:Yeah, (looking confused and over his shoulder.)but how did you know?-
Howie, Nick, B-Rock, & A.J.:KEVIN!!


The jeep should crash into the wall but the wall opens and closes back. The screen goes white and the song starts up. The boys are being led through a building. They go into a room with a t.v. and one of the soilder people who were leading starts to play the tape in the VCR. Its "the President".
President: If your watching this, it means they're taking over. Take the item (at this they get each a bag)that the soilders give you and fullfill your mission.
With that "The Enemy" come in. The tape is still running as the guys fight to get away.
President:The fate of the world is in your hands. Their is one more member. Agent 4 is very crafty and skilled in training. Go to the Queens Banquet. You'll find Agent 4 there. Good Luck.


The building explodes as the guys run out just in time. As the lyrics start its the guys in the jeep with Nick singing "When they critisize...."Its a shot of "The Bossman" with a cigar talking to a very attractive girl. He says something to her and she nods. When B-Rok comes in with "And when it seems...."The comera pans down on an extravagant room with lots of "upperclass looking"people dancing. (The boys are dancing except Nick and A.J. They are standing over by a wall.)When A.J. notives a very attractive woman standing talking to some other he (politely) excuses himself and walks over to her. As he does, she walks off and "leads"him into a room. A.J. opens the door and steps into find the room empty. He goes to walk out but the girl steps out and stabs him with a syringe filled with blue stuff. He falls to his knees and looks up at the girl. "The Enemy" soilders some into get him. The next shot is of B-Rok, Howie, Nick, & Kevin.
B-Rok:Wheres A.J.?
Howie:I though he was with Nick?
Kevin:Lets split up. Nick come with me. You two go that way and look for him.
B-Rok and Howie go into a room where they see A.J. tied in a chair. They rush over to him to try to untie him but he shakes his head. (He has tape on his mouth) 2 men up behind them and stab them with the blue stuff filled syringes. The next shot is of Nick & Kevin loooking out on the terrace for A.J. "The Enemy" soilders climb it. (without being noticed)and stab them with the stuff. There is a breif interludehere where the boys are all shackeled and "The Bossman" is talking to them"
T.B.M.:Ok (puff, puff) now that we are face to face we can make a bargin? Your life for the antidote.
The boys look at each other.
B-Rok:What antidote?
At that a person dressed from head to toe in black comes in and Karate Kicks the guy. The person unshackles them and they take off.
Nick:Agent 4?
Agent 4:(nods)Go before they catch us. The antidote is in the bag.(Gives them a bag.)Take the 24 to Petes Dock. There is a boat waiting for you. Hurry.
A.J.:Who are you?
Agent 4: Agent 4.
Music starts back.
They open the bag to find the blue liquid. They go to the boat and find a person who is the real Agent 4 to take the syrum.
Real A.4:You did a great job. Millions of lives will be saved.
Howie:So then, who was that girl who helped us?
As the last few bars of the song are sung, a girl steps off of the boat wearing a black crushed velvet cat suit. Its the girl from the beginning.
R.A.4:This is my niece, Cleo.
She smiles and the boat takes off as "Roll with It" continues.

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