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Beulah Lodge
# 609 F. & A.M.

Beulah Lodge # 609 F.&A.M. is located in Beulah, Ky.
We meet on the first Saturday of each month at 7:15 PM
We are located on Ky. Hwy 70 West 1/2 mile west of Ky. Hwy. 109.

Past Master indicator

Officers for 2007:

Past Master


Robert Curtis

Senior Warden Dennis Tapp

Junior Warden

Dave Hinton

Past Master

Senior Deacon Harold Prow
Junior Deacon

Kris Tapp

Senior Steward Howard Prince
Junior Steward Robert Riley Jr.

Past Master


George Howton

Past Master


William "Bill" Brown

Past Master


Ferrell Blankenship

Past Master


Gayle Nelson

Our next Communication will be on April 7, 2007.

Email: Bill Brown, Treasurer