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Mis Amigos

These are my friends-GOD HELP ME!! (just kidding!) Luv ya'll

LISA (Miss Wild Thang...This is my cousin and one of my best friends!)
KEN (This is my buddy Ken. He's a fellow Mustang enthusiast and we're currently working on starting a Mustang Club. Don't let the sweet face fool ya, he's a WILD MAN!!)
DONNA & ME (New Years Eve 2001- friends since Freshman Year...Both quite toasty in this pic!)
DAVINNA (the new "Mistress of the Dark" On our way to the "club")
BECKY & ME (Had too much to drink at our high school reunion and started getting all mushy!)
GREG ("Are we drunk yet?")
JOEY (One of the truest friends I could ever hope for!)
THE CREW (Me, Becky & Allison shaking our butts at the reunion)
ROMAN & VERA (Is it okay to get drunk with your boss?)
JENNIFER & VERA (Brian sure got lucky snagging Jennifer! She's one of a kind!)
JOHN & VERA (Here I go getting drunk with yet another boss!!)
DONNA & TIM (the freaks from downstairs who moved to Kansas and left me and Daryl behind)
TRACY ("Look Mom, no helmet!")
SCOTT & VERA (we've been friends since 6th grade!)
DARYL ("Mr. Billy Bad Ass" Himself)
KAREN (My cousin and close friend! Party on Karen!!)
PAUL (CCPaulie himself doing the karaoke thing! SING IT PAUL! Click on his pic to go to his website)
CHRIS (This is the first person I ever met in person after meeting online! Turns out he's a kick ass friend, not to mention he lives in the Sunshine State!)
SAM (Not as innocent as he looks..Click his pic to find out more!)
HAL (He's not this intimidating in person!! He tattoos for a living...done work on me & Sam, and one of his buddies did work on Lisa)

The Home Page The Wild Side The Yahoos
Personal Info Vera LynnThe Mustang Corral
My Family