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When There's More Than One Meaning

Things can happen, arguments can occur, disagreements can arise.  For the two of us, they occur endlessly (even as we’re composing this paragraph), but mostly when our views differ.  It is differences like these that we don’t always anticipate.  And when we least expect them, they can cause the greatest damage.  We believe it is helpful to talk about problems with one another and respect each other’s point of views.  Though the following scenarios may seem humorous, there are other times when had we not work things out, it may have led to a less desirable outcome.  And such opposing views are not limited to couples but may also involve friends and family members, especially when there exist gender or age differences.  So next time when you smell smoke in the air, be sure you’re not adding more fuel to a small flame; and most importantly, try to be the first to put it out before a real fire occurs.

After stopping by Simson's house to give him a birthday card, we headed towards the bank to help Ka Wai's parents deposit a check.  On the way, I asked Ka Wai if he could help me order some dim sum for my sister who hadn't eaten anything all day.  But, of course, he refused to.  Some people....

Why couldn't I do the ordering?  Well...I was scared.  My Cantonese is not good.  I don't like to speak Cantonese, especially in public.  But would he help me? Nooooo....

However, he decided to teach me how to order the items.  That sounds okay, right?  But again, he will not just tell me how to say it.  He told me to say it first and he will correct me if I said it wrong.  Sigh....  Okay, so I learned how to say it.  But I was still scared.

While practicing I keep on missing a word or two.  And what is worst, my assent.  Ahhhh.....  Why can't he just help me order those simple items and relieved me of those butterflies in my tummy.

After the bank, we headed towards the store.  Several times again I begged Ka Wai to help me do the ordering, but again the responds were heartbreaking no's.

Following my sister's directions, I went into the store that is on the corner of Sixth and Clement.  So, mindlessly we went into the store.  From the time of Ka Wai's last NO to the time I made my order, I was practicing in my head on how to order the dim sum.  Finally, the man asked me what I wanted.  And guess what?  I messed up on my order.

I had to turn around and asked Ka Wai what to say.  I was so embarassed.  He, of course, did not rescue me by jumping in and ordering for me, but instead he whispered it to me.  So I ordered again.  Then a smiled appeared on the man's face.  Why?  Well... he was amused by me, that is why.  First, I embarassed myself with the order and now I was told that I went into the wrong side of the store.  It was the side next to them that sell dim sum.

I was so embarassed.  Why didn't I see it?  The store I went into sells chow mein, chow fun, ducks, etc...  It was obvious they do not sell dim sum.  But, of course, I have an excuse for not noticing.  I was scared and was busy practicing my order in my head.  But what about Ka Wai?  He just stands there and does nothing.  Wonder what he is thinking of?

Well, feeling embarassed I walked with Ka Wai to the adjacent side of the store.  There I asked Ka Wai to please help me order.  And he finally did.  Now why didn't he help me before so that I did not have to embarrass myself?  Lord knows.  If you ask me he was just being mean.

When we were done, we began to leave.  But I still had to pass by the first store again on my way to my sister to give her the food.  I was again afraid that I will be passing by the store's window and have those people seeing me.  I didn't want to see them neither.  I can't bare to see them talking and possibly laughing.  They could be talking and laughing about me.  So to avoid that, I asked Ka Wai to walk to my right to block me from them and them from me.  But he laughed; and instead of walking just to my right and facing forward, he spreaded out his arms and faced me while walking sideways.  Laughing while he did it too.  What is he doing?  Making a scene, that's what.  Well, if those people inside the store didn't notice me, they would have certainly noticed me now.  Sigh....  That's Ka Wai for you.

underlined = spoken in Cantonese
italized = thoughts at the time

The time is 2pm.  And we’re walking up 6th Avenue towards Clement.  Victoria’s sister has asked her to stop by at the corner food market to pick up some food.  And she asks me on what to say in Cantonese to the vender.

So what is it again??
Okay Chau, just as what your sister had said, one dollar of shrimp dumplings plus one baked chicken bun.
Okay okay okay.  One dollar of shrimp dumplings and a baked chicken bun.
Good, there you go.  Now say it again.
But I’m scared.
Scared again!  What is there to be afraid of?  Look, they don’t know you and they don’t know me; there’s nothing to worry about, okay?
But it’s embarrassing.  I don’t know what to say.
But I just taught you what to say...  Oh come on, you’ve said it just a moment ago.  It sounded perfect.  Now try to say it again.
But I’m scaaaared.
Come on, you said you want to learn to speak more Cantonese.  I think this is a great opportunity.
But I don’t know how.
But you said it correctly just now....  Okay, how about trying it a few more times.
I don’t want to; it sounds funny.  Man, why does my stupid sister have to ask me to get it for her anyway.
Oh come on, it’s not that much to ask.
Can you say it for me please???
Of course not, you need to do this yourself.
Please, pretty please.
No, I want you to give it a shot.
You’re not helping me...
I’m helping you practice.
Can you order it for me please??
Look, we’re almost there, try to say it again.
Okay, what is it again?
Shrimp dumplings and chicken bun.

We approached the store at the corner.

Is this it?
Yeah, she said that there’s only one that’s on the corner.

We walked in.

You do it Ka Wai.
Just go.
Hi, may I help you?
I want one dollar of...of...of shrimp dumplings and a....
Oh, you need to step over to the opposite side, those items are sold there.
Just through that door right there.

We managed to follow the vender’s instruction and next found ourselves in the correct side of the store.  Chau’s face is getting quite red; and the redness is matched by my arm as she is now pinching me--unknowingly perhaps.  As we waited to be served, our conversation continued...

It’s so embarrassing.  Boohoo boohoo.  I can never come into this place again.  And my sister, I’m going to kill her, telling me that it’s on the corner of the block when it is really the second door.
Why is she making such a big deal out of this anyway.  Embarrassing?  No it’s not, how is it embarrassing??
That guy was laughing at me.
No he wasn’t; he’s just directing us to the correct side, that’s all.
Boohoo boohoo....  Can you please order....
Oh, come on.  Try again, you did fine.
I messed up, I’m too scared...I couldn’t say it correctly.
Oh all right.
Yes, who’s next in line??
Yeah, I want one dollar of shrimp dumplings and a baked chicken bun.

The purchase was soon over.  And outside the store...

Ka Wai, cover me cover me.  I don’t want them to see me.
Oh all right.  Look I’m telling you, I think everything went well.  And I’m glad that you said it right out to them.
But I didn’t say it correctly.
It’s okay, they understood.  It’s practice like these that’ll help you get better at it.
Man, I’m gonna kill my sister for embarrassing me.

The day proceeded on with only slight arguments and absolutely no killing.