The Others

What of the others suposedly in the world of darkness?

This page details how the other denizens of the WoD fit in my campaign. Before you cry foul over purity, remember that each race in WoD has a completely different outlook on the world anyways, and no one knows whos' story is truly right.

Mages-you bet your damn booty theres mages, but modern day spell-slingers, none of this 'spheres' and 'paradox' crap. The mages have a masquerade much like the vampires to keep themselves in line. I feel Mage as white wolf did it is a confusing and horrible game, but a GREAT read on a rainy day. I think the game would have sold better with traditional mages and many suppliments with new spells every now and then.

Although there are technological mages, the Technocracy as it is in WoD is not quite the same, instead functioning as a small group of terrorist-like mages (again, the world is not run by one power group as described in WoD products...vampires and the technocracy are but small cogs in the greaer machine).The Technomancers do give the Garou a lot of trouble tho...

Wraiths-no wraiths. Not even Amani (Kathleenes' mummy) knows what happens to you after you die. Its one of the big mysteries I felt White Wolf should have kept secret.

Changelings-I was tempted to leave changelings out, despite the fact that Werewolf is the only other line that has anything to do with them at all, but there are changelings in my campaign-of a sort. Long term gaming from a Dungeons and Dragons perspective has led me to leave ogres, goblins, and trolls scattered about the world, and for lack of a better term, these are the 'changelings'

Mummies-obviously there are mummies, as proven by Amanis' participation in the game. Little change is made to them from the white wolf version, except their dealings in the underworld are always forgotten to them when they awaken.

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