Werewolf Questbook part1

This Questbook is a campaign of Werewolf I started during early 1998.

As with any campign that goes on a long time, Players jump in and jump out frequently, making up new characters on occasion. The long-range characters are described along with who plays them in the PCs section.

1. Gharret Dunloff, Thon Von, and Dan Hussein

this is the first Werewolf quest I can remember running, and the players were all in Seattle (I think). They all went to investigate a toxic factory downtown that turned out to be Wyrm-infested.

upon entering the factory, the skitterish Hussein was attacked by a 'big reptilian-tentacled thin' obscured by mist and smoke. He barely escaped. Meanwhile, Thon Von was busy fighting another strange creature (Skinhanger) and finally put him out with a hose full of hot liquid glue, covering the critter in it.

I think Gharret went to go call the cops or something. Chris is always running to call the cops...big pussy.

2. Thon Von, Gharret Dunloff, Dan Hussein, Amani ,and Sultana.

This quest was thrown together at a dinner party my gf and I threw. Sultanas' player passed out on the floor early on so she didn't see much action.

Thon, Dunloff, and Hussein were summoned to Salt Lake City Utah by a Wendigo named Old Man Winter. Winter wanted them to help him investigate why numerous gangs and creatures were active all of the sudden in the city. During their first battle in a crackhouse, Hussein tried to help Thon into the Umbra to chase a foe. They both critically failed. Thon lost his left arm in the Umbra.

Thus Hussein ran like hell and Thon slowly chased after him, meeting Sultana and Amani in the process.

After that matter was cleared up, Hussein and Amani did some detective work, chatting with drug dealers and trying to get a cat out of the pound at five o clock in the morning (don't ask..).

3. Junky, Adam Thornfyre, Amani, and Sultana

Forbes and Murphy decided to make new characters in the middle of a storyline, so once again I had Old Man Winter contct them through a tv set and tell them to go investigate.

After Junky and Adam met, they went to a gangfight against the Nasty Boyz on the bridge across the river. In the ensuing fight, the bridge was blown up and Adam got wounded badly.

Afterwards, Sultana and Amani arrived, and everyone hooked up with Old Man winter in his Desert home, a cave complete with indian artworks, weapons, and a fine computer system. Sultana got on the net and found a coven of Iraqi witches she wanted to learn from. She was invited the witches ball in a month.

4. Amani, Sultana, Adam Thornfyre, and Grief (Get of Fenris-Tim)

I ran this quest around three o clock in the morning and honestly don't remeber much. There was a big fomori named 'Billy' who was molded after a Hulk-like character in a friends' ongoing supers campaign. Everyone was immediately fearful and ran like hell.

5. Amani, Sultana, Junky, and Adam -

In this short quest, the pack reluctantly helps out Adam as he tries to recover 911 (who has been kidnapped). They all followed men dressed in black and bust him out of a liquid nitro filled truck, cracking him in pieces in the process.

6. Junky, Adam Thornfyre, and ??? (a lawyer fomori Trent made up on the spot)

I'm such a good GM I ran this quest without CHARACTER SHEETS!!!

Aside from the ribbing my players gave me, they roleplayed some deals and went to go shake down the Nasty Boyz some more. They find out that all the gangs are here for something to do with nuclear weapons.

7. Sultana, Junky, and Moonshadow ( a supers character of chris')

Everyone meets up then goes to the mysterious caverns and fight ninjas, then see Billy. Moonshadow is able to reason with the insanely powerful creature and offers to fly him off earth if he'll take the nukes as well. Moonshadow barely flies Billy and 52 nuclear warheads to the dark side of an asteroid above earth.

I send Moonshadow home after this and vow to keep superheroes out of my game from now on.

8. Sultana and Tahili (some mage my neice made up..she wanted to play)

Sultana is viciously attacked by a cloaked man and thrown in the back of his van as Tahili runs way (coward!!). Sultana is upset that she will miss her invitation to the Iraqi witches ball.

9. Amani (solo)

My girlfriend plays her first solo quest without a bunch of werewolves to help her. I'm quite impressed with her roleplying ability.

She gets captured by a spirit named Stormcloud and is holed up in his mansion. She escapes with the help of her turtle and by vamping the guards. She fires a single shot from her pistol but misses. she has played four times now and has not harmed a single NPC. Wow.

She learns upon recovering her artifacts that Sultana is missing and tells the Egyptian government to hold their horses so she can go look for Sultana.

10. Junky (solo)

Junky roams around Salt Lake City bored and finally meets up some nut in a Bullfrog suit trying to rob a bank. Junky stops him and tries to get him to work for Adam Thornfyre.

both then go to the mysterious factory encountered in the very first quest and get ass kicked. Forbes swears' vengence on the factory.

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