Red Moon Questbook part2

11. Amani (solo)-

Amani decides to elist the help of Old Man Winter in finding Sultana, and he takes her to a 'dead spot' in the Umbra. Once there, they find Christian Blaine and his minions, with Sultant alseep in a cage.

Making Winter stay outside, Amani sneaks in and takes out the guards through sneaky ways. Encountering Blaine, she demands his copy of the spell of life with a gun to his head. He refuses and tries to talk her out of it. She has enough after a half hour of arguing and kills him with two bullets to he head, splattering blood all over herself.

Afterwards she scoops up Sultana and takes off. Winter never asks her about the blood.

12. Dan Hussein & Jagga (Ratkin-Tim)-

Back in action after a few quests, Hussein meets Ax, a Black Fury, who makes him compete in WCW for her brothers' stolen cruiserweight belt (her bro is Billy Kidman, supposedly). He wins after a four battle against Rey Mysterio Jr., Raven, and Juventudd Guerrera.

After that, he and Ax meet up with Jagga, who is scrounging dumpsters for cheese (the wererat isn't terribly bright). Hussein re-encounters the big reptilian monster from earlier quests then runs like hell. In his couragous state (brought on by the cruiserweight belt) he challenges Goldberg to a match near the end of the quest. Goldberg punks his ass with a spear and jackhammer.

As they arrive home,all are attacked by mysterious men in red cloaks and with radiation burns on their faces. The men wound nearly everyone, kidnapping 911 & Old Man Winter (who arrived to see Hussein) and Ax.

13. Amani, Sultana, Adam Thornfyre, & Beth Wird (Children of Gaia stripper-Thomas)-

Thornfyre gets a call for help from 911 and immediately gathers up everyone to go get him (including Thomas' stripper, who just arrived as a buisness present from one of Thornfyres' rivals). Everyone hops in Thornfyres' reinforced bronco and they take off for vegas, where the tracker signal from 911 is.

On the way there, they must stop for gas, so Thornfyre pulls over and lets everyone out. Sultana steals three Ultra-Jolts after her mummy won't buy her them. Thornfyre meets a mysterious man in the gas station named Lucy who warns him to 'watch his back'. They continue on their way and Sultana drinks all three of her jolts, irritating the hell out of everyone with her caffeine-induced insanity.

Arriving in Las Vegas, everyone must enter a hotel and sneak up to the 13th floor where their friends are being held. Encountering a circular room, they find everyone tied to posts and the red cloaked figures on the ceiling (yes, you read it right). A battle ensues where the friends are freed, Thornfyre loses all his rage points and Amani drinks a potion she had saved.

The potion causes her to muscle up and grow spikes on her person, as well as being able to channel her anger into energy blasts. Once they see this, the red cloaked men go into overdrive trying to kill her, saying 'We won't let you ruin it! We won't let you become her!'. Puzzled but not frightened, Amani blasts away one of the men, but Thornfyre manages to save on for questioning.

Near the end of the battle, Thornfyre calls his bronco up the steps with the remote control (Sultana ran back to the truck earlier and was hiding inside). 911 is thrown down the steps at this time. Thornfyres' bronco runs over 911 on its way up the steps, mauling him badly. When the truck arrives, it runs over the last standing cloaked man, and Sultana leaps through the windshield with her gift Leap of the Kangaroo to knock him cold.

Everyone gathers up and leaves in the bronco, but Sultana snarls relentlessly at Old Man Winter, having seen something to do with him earlier in the evening. Despite everyones tries, she refuse to tell them what she saw.

14.Amani, Sultana, and Junky-

Amani dreams while she sleeps one night, and as she dreams one of her mysterious soul fragments (she is a mummy after all, they have lots of soul to go around) drifts the same time in other places, Junky and Sultana drift off while they sleep.

When all three awake, they find their souls have been transported to new bodies that look similarly to their own (Sultan is now in the body of a 22-year-old however). A priest in strange garb stands over them, excitedly explaining that he has succeeded in bringing the heroes of the past forth ot help overthrow the black queen of Egypt.

The players, being players, and not good little storybook heroes, say nuts to you and demand he send them back immediaely while they walk to the treetop village. Unfortuantely, before the preist can fullfill their wishes, a cadre of men on giant hornets attack the village and lay the smack down on everyone. One in particular runs amani through with a broadsword after she won't quit prattling about her 'pina colida'.

After being beaten up, the gang is carted off to a mountain fortress in the heart of the desert. They spend another two hours escaping from prison to finally confront the Black Queen of Egypt, who is aparently an Apocalypse-like figure(from the X-Men). Amani confronts the black queen, asking her who in the hell she thinks she is...

..the black queen responds by removing her mask...and showing she is a future self of Amani. Too stunned to act, Amani sits there while Junky and Sultant cause enough commotion for them all to escape.

Later on the realize the black queen might have something to send them back since they can't find that dumb-ass preiest, so they go to confrotn her a second time in her bedroom...she fights off all three (although in all honesty, Sultana chose to hide in the closet rather than fight), severely injuring Junky and breaking Amanis' neck. Junky is thrown in jail and Amani is left for dead.

15.Amani (solo)-

Amani awakes in a neck brace on the evil queens' bed, finding that mummies are tougher than she previously discovered.

She spends much of this short solo questioning the black queen, and learning that long ago Amani killed Set and drank his blood to gain godlike power (for anal readers, there has been a vampire-mummy combination the mummy sourcebook about Osiris). She set up Egypt as a world power after Gehenna finally ended, making women the leaders and repressing men.

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