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In my opinion, I believe Final Fantasy Tactics is probably the most underrated Final Fantasy Game out there. From the sad but interesting storyline, to the epic hour-long battles that we all spend numerous times trying to win, coming to realize that even the smallest specific move can determine the outcome of the battle. I wish I had bought the game when I had the chance, because now apparently the game has gone to a "rare" status, and the only chance of buying it is on ebay or another auction-based site. The music in this game is classic, my personal favorite still being the opening theme music played during the FMV. I must've watched that everytime I played it, just to hear that and have it get me ready to play. All in all, FFT was an underrated game with superb strategy, gameplay, music, and an intelligent story. Enjoy the music!!-Lavos

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Alazam Theme

Played during some cinematic sequences, peaceful and eerie.3.5/5

Algus Theme

Played when that hoss of a cat Algus is talking or taking control, reminds me of how much i hated him. Decent MIDI.3/5

Bariaus Theme

Song played when fighting the Zodiac Bariaus. Nice tensionesque song...what does that word mean..? 4/5

Bervenia Free City

Love this tune, sounds evil and hellish...makes you say, "there's no way i'm gonna win this battle..3.5/5

Bethla Theme

While Fighting Bethla...This is one of my favs..once again however, I'll get the Mp3 version on here.4/5

Captured Ovelia

Before the battle when Ovelia is captured and you have to fight and get her back, I really like this theme as well.3.5/5

Colliery Underground Floor 2

I remember this theme kinda vaguely, not too exciting.2/5

Decisive Battle Theme

This tune is played during all of the important battles in FFT. I died so many times with this music playing it wasn't even funny, so in a weird sort of way I really despise it. Nevertheless, a quality theme.3.5/5

Delita Theme

Played at the point in the game where Delita turns on Ramza. It's got an eerie sort of depressing sound to it.3/5

Dorter Trade City

One of my favorites from the actual game, sounds pretty good in MIDI form too, but i suggest the Mp3 version.3.5/5

Dycedarg Theme

The uppity Dycedarg's theme. I tend to like sometimes, but it's one of those medeval generic type tunes. Reminds me of Final Fantasy 3 for some reason. Edgar probably.3/5

Ending Theme

The final song of Final Fantasy Tactics. Does a good job of giving you a sense of accomplishment and success after you beat the game, even though it is a bit repetitive.3/5


Played during the Goland scenes. Sounds like hope itself. Nice.4/5

Golgorand Theme

That dark knight SOB's theme. He is my most hated character from FFT and if you've played you know there's enough reasons why. This is a remix of the main FFT theme.3.5/5


During an interrogation of some sort. It's been so long since i've played I can't remember, so someone e-mail me and tell me please. As for the song, it's slow and well...interrogative-sounding.2.5/5

Opening Theme

My Fav...even the MIDI version sounds pretty majestic..4/5

Poeskas Theme

While fighting the Zodiac Brave Poeskas..I LOVE this theme, great rhythm, da da da da da duh duh duh..4.5/5


Snare drums in the middle are the only thing that make this theme worthwhile to listen to, although it can be soothing on it's own.3/5

Ramza Theme

Our hero's very own theme. Many of the songs in FFT revolve around this tune, but I think this original version is the best. 4/5

Shop Theme

When entering a shop and buying weapons, armor, etc. Tooty Fruity sounding in MIDI form though. 3/5


While playing with characters and changing jobs on the world map, to me the most enjoyable thing in the entire game.3.5/5

Sweegy Woods

Gay goblins. Sounds kind of childish on MIDI, ruins a great theme. Look for Mp3. 3/5

Tutorial Theme

Ah yes, the tutorial..we all used at one time or another. Brings back good memories. 3/5

Ultima Theme

Final Boss Theme, good enough to be classfied as decent, but not that great sounding in MIDI form, especially for a final boss theme, but oh well, they could play polka during the final boss and I would still enjoy myself.2.5/5

Opening Theme

Like I said earlier, I love listening to this...I could listen to this all day, if you wanted to listen to FFT in a minute, I would have you listen to this.5/5(1.06 MB)

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