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First Baptist Church of Marion, Kentucky

First Baptist Church:

Located on HWY 60 just north of Marion, KY. We are a small Independent (Calvinistic) Baptist Church proclaiming the Doctrines of Grace and adhering to the Baptist Confession of 1689.

Our Pastor:

H. M. "Mickey" Myers Is A Graduate of Grace College Attended Grace Theological Seminary in Winona Lake, IN and Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, PA.

Wednesday Nights

Our Wednesday evening bible study is now at the parsonage located at 1050 Claylick Rd. in Marion. We starting a video series by Dr. Ravi Zacharias entitled "Deliver Us From Evil" on August 1, 2001. All are invited, call for details.

PHONE NUMBERS (270) 965-2579 (h) 965-5001 (w) 965-5002 (fax)

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