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(UPDATED 03/11/2001)

Only days 'til Christmas. Have you bought my gift yet?

Hi and welcome to "GUIDOS WORLD". Just my own little contribution to the world wide web. Why...? Why not? I figured that if ANYBODY can have their own web site then why not me. On this page and the following pages you will find info on me, my family, and my friends. Also you will find links to fun sites to visit and jokes to maybe make your day just a little more fun. If you like what you see here, then drop me a line by clicking on the mailbox at the bottom of the page, or at least click on my guest book to let me know you where here.


A fairly large collection of jokes and cartoons sent to me from my friends.
Links to sites I think are interesting enough that you may want to check them out.
My own little photo album of friends,family and interesting stuff.
A page with some shock wave games, plus some links to game sites.
Go ahead and voice your opinion on subject maters from useful to useless.

ICQ: 70726913
AOL Instant Messanger: dreemguardian
MSN Messanger:
Napster: bakermeister (usally in the 80's or Classic Rock Rooms)

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