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Information about upcoming or past reunions will be posted here as it is received.

Class of 1988's 10th

Class of 1976 25th

The 25th class reunion in 2001.

Kim Rechtin (859-781-9164) is in the process of collecting names & addresses for 1976 alumni for the reunion next year. You can also contact Mike Walters via email, by clicking here.

Please Click Here to add you email address to the Highlands email Directory

Class of 1991's 10th

The Highlands High School Class of 1991 will be celebrating its 10 year reunion Saturday November 3rd at the Madison in Covington. There will be an informal gathering on Friday night. Details will be announced at a later date! If you have any information on the following classmates, please contact one of the committee members. We would love for all of our classmates to attend the reunion, so any help you can give to finding these people would be greatly appreciated!

Craig Baker
Jennifer Bezold
Nicole Boschert
Michael Brown
Christina Bryan
Chuck Carpenter
Jason Haley
Louie Lucia
Evelyn Miller
Todd Miller
Jennifer Moorman
Johnathan Mullins
Jennifer Payne
Theresa Ranson
Jim Schaub
Sonya Schneider
Doreen Stanley
Chris Sturm

Please contact one of the committee members if you have any questions or any information on the people listed above.

Megan Hosea Abner
Erin Gainer Torrano
Nicole Whitney Ponting
Beth Traylor Blasingame 431-3320
Kori Roth Cavacini 572-0589
Allison Roth Exterkamp 572-0494

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Class of 1973's 25th

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Class of 1972's 25th

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Class of 1970's 30th

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Class of 1969's 30th

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Class of 1961's 40th

The 40th class reunion of the Highlands class of 1961 will be held at the Highlands Country Club on June 30, 2001.

There will be a "gathering" the Friday night before. Other events and details to be announced.

Please send updated addresses to: Lois Koehler Bihary or to 1550 Ontario Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91103.

Local Contacts:
Terri Pogue Hill 781-4247
Bob Steinhauser 781-1781
Jeri Schwarberg McMath 781-0531
Ken Honchell 441-4155

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